level 2 code generated for the JWS Online project by Jacky Snoep using PySCeS
Run this model online at http://jjj.biochem.sun.ac.za
To cite JWS Online please refer to: Olivier, B.G. and Snoep, J.L. (2004) Web-based
modelling using JWS Online
, Bioinformatics, 20:2143-2144
Biomodels Curation:
The paper refers to the model equations present in Bakker et al's " Glycolysis in bloodstream from Trypanosoma brucei can be understood in terms of the kinetics of glycolytic enzymes" (Pubmed ID: 9013556), also, the authors claim that some of the modifications in these equations were made based on the experimental results from the paper "Contribution of glucose transport in the control of glycolytic flux in Trypanosoma brucei" (Pubmed ID: 10468568). The model reproduces the various flux values in Fig 3 for 100% TPI activity. It also matches with the values provided in Table 2 of the paper. The model was successfully tested with Copasi and SBML ODE Solver.
The volumes are set to the values containing 1 mg of total protein per microlitre total cell volume. To change the protein concentration use Vt
, the total cell volume in micro litre per mg protein.
To change the TPI activity use the global parameter TPIact
To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this encoded model have been dedicated to the public domain worldwide. Please refer to CC0 Public Domain Dedication
for more information.
In summary, you are entitled to use this encoded model in absolutely any manner you deem suitable, verbatim, or with modification, alone or embedded it in a larger context, redistribute it, commercially or not, in a restricted way or not.
To cite BioModels Database, please use: Li C, Donizelli M, Rodriguez N, Dharuri H, Endler L, Chelliah V, Li L, He E, Henry A, Stefan MI, Snoep JL, Hucka M, Le Novère N, Laibe C (2010) BioModels Database: An enhanced, curated and annotated resource for published quantitative kinetic models. BMC Syst Biol., 4:92.