Stortelder1997 - Thrombin Generation Amidolytic Activity
Ontology highlight
Stortelder1997 - Thrombin Generation Amidolytic Activity
Mathematical modelling of a part of the blood coagulation mechanism.
This model is described in the article:
Mathematical modelling in blood coagulation : simulation and parameter estimation.
Stortelder W.J.H., Hemker P.W., Hemker, H.C.
CWI. Modelling, Analysis and Simulation, No. R 9720, p.1-11.
This paper describes the mathematical modelling of a part of the blood coagulation mechanism. The model includes the activation of factor X by a purified enzyme from Russel's Viper Venom (RVV), factor V and prothrombin, and also comprises the inactivation of the products formed. In this study we assume that in principle the mechanism of the process is known. However, the exact structure of the mechanism is unknown, and the process still can be described by different mathematical models. These models are put to test by measuring their capacity to explain the course of thrombin generation as observed in plasma after recalcification in presence of RVV. The mechanism studied is mathematically modelled as a system of differential-algebraic equations (DAEs). Each candidate model contains some freedom, which is expressed in the model equations by the presence of unknown parameters. For example, reaction constants or initial concentrations are unknown. The goal of parameter estimation is to determine these unknown parameters in such a way that the theoretical (i.e., computed) results fit the experimental data within measurement accuracy and to judge which modifications of the chemical reaction scheme allow the best fit. We present results on model discrimination and estimation of reaction constants, which are hard to obtain in another way.
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Michael Schubert
PROVIDER: BIOMD0000000358 | BioModels | 2024-09-02