Fribourg2014 - Dynamics of viral antagonism and innate immune response (H1N1 influenza A virus - Cal/09)
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Fribourg2014 - Dynamics of viral antagonism and innate immune response (H1N1 influenza A virus - Cal/09)
The dynamics of the interplay between the viral antagonism and the innate immune response has been studied using modelling approaches. The responses of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells infected by two influenza A H1N1 strains (the pandemic swine-origin A/California/4/2009 (Cal/09) and the seasonal A/New Caledonia/20/1999 (NC/99)) that have different clinical outcomes have been modelled. From the time course gene expression measurements of a set of selected genes, the dynamic features of viral antagonism and innate immune response are extracted. It is found that the strength and the time scale of action of viral antagonism is significantly different between the two viruses. This model describes the viral infection by seasonal Cal/09.
This model is described in the article:
Model of influenza A virus infection: Dynamics of viral antagonism and innate immune response.
Fribourg M, Hartmann B, Schmolke M, Marjanovic N, Albrecht RA, García-Sastre A, Sealfon SC, Jayaprakash C, Hayot F.
J Theor Biol. 2014 Mar 2;351C:47-57.
Viral antagonism of host responses is an essential component of virus pathogenicity. The study of the interplay between immune response and viral antagonism is challenging due to the involvement of many processes acting at multiple time scales. Here we develop an ordinary differential equation model to investigate the early, experimentally measured, responses of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells to infection by two H1N1 influenza A viruses of different clinical outcomes: pandemic A/California/4/2009 and seasonal A/New Caledonia/20/1999. Our results reveal how the strength of virus antagonism, and the time scale over which it acts to thwart the innate immune response, differs significantly between the two viruses, as is made clear by their impact on the temporal behavior of a number of measured genes. The model thus sheds light on the mechanisms that underlie the variability of innate immune responses to different H1N1 viruses.
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DISEASE(S): Swine Influenza
Miguel Fribourg
PROVIDER: BIOMD0000000528 | BioModels | 2024-09-02