Yugi2014 - Insulin induced signalling (PFKL
phosphorylation) - model 2
Insulin induces phosphorylation and activation of liver-type
phosphofructokinase 1, which thereby controls a key reaction in
glycolysis. This mechanism is revealed using the mathematical
model. In this model, the PFKL phosphorylation time courses are
calculation from the signalling pathway model developed by Kubata
et al. (2012) (
- Kubota2012_InsulinAction_AKTpathway).
Author's Note: Katsuyuki Yugi thank Akira Funahashi (Keio
University, Japan) for his kind advice in converting the model
from MATLAB to SBML.
This model is described in the article:
Reconstruction of insulin
signal flow from phosphoproteome and metabolome data.
Yugi K, Kubota H, Toyoshima Y,
Noguchi R, Kawata K, Komori Y, Uda S, Kunida K, Tomizawa Y,
Funato Y, Miki H, Matsumoto M, Nakayama KI, Kashikura K, Endo K,
Ikeda K, Soga T, Kuroda S.
Cell Rep 2014 Aug; 8(4):
Cellular homeostasis is regulated by signals through
multiple molecular networks that include protein
phosphorylation and metabolites. However, where and when the
signal flows through a network and regulates homeostasis has
not been explored. We have developed a reconstruction method
for the signal flow based on time-course phosphoproteome and
metabolome data, using multiple databases, and have applied it
to acute action of insulin, an important hormone for metabolic
homeostasis. An insulin signal flows through a network, through
signaling pathways that involve 13 protein kinases, 26
phosphorylated metabolic enzymes, and 35 allosteric effectors,
resulting in quantitative changes in 44 metabolites. Analysis
of the network reveals that insulin induces phosphorylation and
activation of liver-type phosphofructokinase 1, thereby
controlling a key reaction in glycolysis. We thus provide a
versatile method of reconstruction of signal flow through the
network using phosphoproteome and metabolome data.
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