Yuraszeck2010 - Vulnerabilities in the Tau Network in Tau Pathophysiology
Ontology highlight
Yuraszeck2010 - Vulnerabilities in the Tau
Network in Tau Pathophysiology
This model is described in the article:
Vulnerabilities in the tau
network and the role of ultrasensitive points in tau
Yuraszeck TM, Neveu P,
Rodriguez-Fernandez M, Robinson A, Kosik KS, Doyle FJ 3rd.
PLoS Comput. Biol. 2010; 6(11):
The multifactorial nature of disease motivates the use of
systems-level analyses to understand their pathology. We used a
systems biology approach to study tau aggregation, one of the
hallmark features of Alzheimer's disease. A mathematical model
was constructed to capture the current state of knowledge
concerning tau's behavior and interactions in cells. The model
was implemented in silico in the form of ordinary differential
equations. The identifiability of the model was assessed and
parameters were estimated to generate two cellular states: a
population of solutions that corresponds to normal tau
homeostasis and a population of solutions that displays
aggregation-prone behavior. The model of normal tau homeostasis
was robust to perturbations, and disturbances in multiple
processes were required to achieve an aggregation-prone state.
The aggregation-prone state was ultrasensitive to perturbations
in diverse subsets of networks. Tau aggregation requires that
multiple cellular parameters are set coordinately to a set of
values that drive pathological assembly of tau. This model
provides a foundation on which to build and increase our
understanding of the series of events that lead to tau
aggregation and may ultimately be used to identify critical
intervention points that can direct the cell away from tau
aggregation to aid in the treatment of tau-mediated (or
related) aggregation diseases including Alzheimer's.
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DISEASE(S): Alzheimer's Disease,Tauopathy
Audald Lloret i Villas
PROVIDER: BIOMD0000000542 | BioModels | 2024-09-02