Nishio2008 - Design of the phosphotransferase system for enhanced glucose uptake in E. coli.
Ontology highlight
Nishio2008 - Design of the phosphotransferase
system for enhanced glucose uptake in E. coli.
This model is described in the article:
Computer-aided rational
design of the phosphotransferase system for enhanced glucose
uptake in Escherichia coli.
Nishio Y, Usuda Y, Matsui K, Kurata
Mol. Syst. Biol. 2008; 4: 160
The phosphotransferase system (PTS) is the sugar
transportation machinery that is widely distributed in
prokaryotes and is critical for enhanced production of useful
metabolites. To increase the glucose uptake rate, we propose a
rational strategy for designing the molecular architecture of
the Escherichia coli glucose PTS by using a computer-aided
design (CAD) system and verified the simulated results with
biological experiments. CAD supports construction of a
biochemical map, mathematical modeling, simulation, and system
analysis. Assuming that the PTS aims at controlling the glucose
uptake rate, the PTS was decomposed into hierarchical modules,
functional and flux modules, and the effect of changes in gene
expression on the glucose uptake rate was simulated to make a
rational strategy of how the gene regulatory network is
engineered. Such design and analysis predicted that the mlc
knockout mutant with ptsI gene overexpression would greatly
increase the specific glucose uptake rate. By using biological
experiments, we validated the prediction and the presented
strategy, thereby enhancing the specific glucose uptake
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Kieran Smallbone
PROVIDER: BIOMD0000000571 | BioModels | 2024-09-02