Proctor2016 - Circadian rhythm of PTH and the
dynamics of signaling molecules on bone remodeling
This model is described in the article:
Simulated Interventions to
Ameliorate Age-Related Bone Loss Indicate the Importance of
Proctor CJ, Gartland A.
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 2016; 7:
Bone remodeling is the continuous process of bone resorption
by osteoclasts and bone formation by osteoblasts, in order to
maintain homeostasis. The activity of osteoclasts and
osteoblasts is regulated by a network of signaling pathways,
including Wnt, parathyroid hormone (PTH), RANK
ligand/osteoprotegrin, and TGF-?, in response to stimuli, such
as mechanical loading. During aging there is a gradual loss of
bone mass due to dysregulation of signaling pathways. This may
be due to a decline in physical activity with age and/or
changes in hormones and other signaling molecules. In
particular, hormones, such as PTH, have a circadian rhythm,
which may be disrupted in aging. Due to the complexity of the
molecular and cellular networks involved in bone remodeling,
several mathematical models have been proposed to aid
understanding of the processes involved. However, to date,
there are no models, which explicitly consider the effects of
mechanical loading, the circadian rhythm of PTH, and the
dynamics of signaling molecules on bone remodeling. Therefore,
we have constructed a network model of the system using a
modular approach, which will allow further modifications as
required in future research. The model was used to simulate the
effects of mechanical loading and also the effects of different
interventions, such as continuous or intermittent
administration of PTH. Our model predicts that the absence of
regular mechanical loading and/or an impaired PTH circadian
rhythm leads to a gradual decrease in bone mass over time,
which can be restored by simulated interventions and that the
effectiveness of some interventions may depend on their
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