Dunster2014 - WBC Interactions (Model1)
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Dunster2014 - WBC Interactions (Model1)
This is a sub-model of a three-step
inflammatory response modelling study. The model includes distinct
populations of white blood cells namely, macrophages and active and
apoptotic neutrophil populations. Neutrophil apoptosis rate is
predicted to be crucial for the qualitative nature of the
This model is described in the article:
The resolution of
inflammation: a mathematical model of neutrophil and macrophage
Dunster JL, Byrne HM, King JR.
Bull. Math. Biol. 2014 Aug; 76(8):
There is growing interest in inflammation due to its
involvement in many diverse medical conditions, including
Alzheimer's disease, cancer, arthritis and asthma. The
traditional view that resolution of inflammation is a passive
process is now being superceded by an alternative hypothesis
whereby its resolution is an active, anti-inflammatory process
that can be manipulated therapeutically. This shift in mindset
has stimulated a resurgence of interest in the biological
mechanisms by which inflammation resolves. The
anti-inflammatory processes central to the resolution of
inflammation revolve around macrophages and are closely related
to pro-inflammatory processes mediated by neutrophils and their
ability to damage healthy tissue. We develop a spatially
averaged model of inflammation centring on its resolution,
accounting for populations of neutrophils and macrophages and
incorporating both pro- and anti-inflammatory processes. Our
ordinary differential equation model exhibits two outcomes that
we relate to healthy and unhealthy states. We use bifurcation
analysis to investigate how variation in the system parameters
affects its outcome. We find that therapeutic manipulation of
the rate of macrophage phagocytosis can aid in resolving
inflammation but success is critically dependent on the rate of
neutrophil apoptosis. Indeed our model predicts that an
effective treatment protocol would take a dual approach,
targeting macrophage phagocytosis alongside neutrophil
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Thawfeek Varusai
PROVIDER: BIOMD0000000616 | BioModels | 2024-09-02