Winter2017 - Brain Energy Metabolism with PPP
Ontology highlight
Winter2017 - Brain Energy Metabolism with PPP
This model is described in the article:
Mathematical analysis of the
influence of brain metabolism on the BOLD signal in Alzheimer's
Felix Winter1,2, Catrin
Bludszuweit-Philipp1 and Olaf Wolkenhauer2,3
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow &
Blood oxygen level-dependent functional magnetic resonance
imaging (BOLD-fMRI) is a standard clinical tool for the
detection of brain activation. In Alzheimer’s disease
(AD), task-related and resting state fMRI have been used to
detect brain dysfunction. It has been shown that the shape of
the BOLD response is affected in early AD. To correctly
interpret these changes, the mechanisms responsible for the
observed behaviour need to be known. The parameters of the
canonical hemodynamic response function (HRF) commonly used in
the analysis of fMRI data have no direct biological
interpretation and cannot be used to answer this question. We
here present a model that allows relating AD-specific changes
in the BOLD shape to changes in the underlying energy
metabolism. According to our findings, the classic view that
differences in the BOLD shape are only attributed to changes in
strength and duration of the stimulus does not hold. Instead,
peak height, peak timing and full width at half maximum are
sensitive to changes in the reaction rate of several metabolic
reactions. Our systems-theoretic approach allows the use of
patient-specific clinical data to predict dementia- driven
changes in the HRF, which can be used to improve the results of
fMRI analyses in AD patients.
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DISEASE(S): Alzheimer's Disease
Felix Winter
PROVIDER: BIOMD0000000627 | BioModels | 2024-09-02