FelixGarza2017 - Blue Light Treatment of Psoriasis (simplified)
Ontology highlight
FelixGarza2017 - Blue Light Treatment of
Psoriasis (simplified)
This model is described in the article:
A Dynamic Model for
Prediction of Psoriasis Management by Blue Light
Félix Garza ZC, Liebmann J,
Born M, Hilbers PA, van Riel NA.
Front Physiol 2017; 8: 28
Clinical investigations prove that blue light irradiation
reduces the severity of psoriasis vulgaris. Nevertheless, the
mechanisms involved in the management of this condition remain
poorly defined. Despite the encouraging results of the clinical
studies, no clear guidelines are specified in the literature
for the irradiation scheme regime of blue light-based therapy
for psoriasis. We investigated the underlying mechanism of blue
light irradiation of psoriatic skin, and tested the hypothesis
that regulation of proliferation is a key process. We
implemented a mechanistic model of cellular epidermal dynamics
to analyze whether a temporary decrease of keratinocytes
hyper-proliferation can explain the outcome of phototherapy
with blue light. Our results suggest that the main effect of
blue light on keratinocytes impacts the proliferative cells.
They show that the decrease in the keratinocytes proliferative
capacity is sufficient to induce a transient decrease in the
severity of psoriasis. To study the impact of the therapeutic
regime on the efficacy of psoriasis treatment, we performed
simulations for different combinations of the treatment
parameters, i.e., length of treatment, fluence (also referred
to as dose), and intensity. These simulations indicate that
high efficacy is achieved by regimes with long duration and
high fluence levels, regardless of the chosen intensity. Our
modeling approach constitutes a framework for testing diverse
hypotheses on the underlying mechanism of blue light-based
phototherapy, and for designing effective strategies for the
treatment of psoriasis.
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Zandra Felix Garza
PROVIDER: BIOMD0000000695 | BioModels | 2024-09-02