Diedrichs2018 - A data-entrained computational model for testing the regulatory logic of the vertebrate unfolded protein response
Ontology highlight
A data-entrained computational model for
testing the regulatory logic of the vertebrate unfolded protein
This model is described in the article:
A data-entrained
computational model for testing the regulatory logic of the
vertebrate unfolded protein response.
Diedrichs DR, Gomez JA, Huang CS,
Rutkowski DT, Curtu R.
Mol. Biol. Cell 2018 Apr; :
The vertebrate unfolded protein response (UPR) is
characterized by multiple interacting nodes among its three
pathways, yet the logic underlying this regulatory complexity
is unclear. To begin to address this issue, we created a
computational model of the vertebrate UPR that was entrained
upon and then validated against experimental data. As part of
this validation, the model successfully predicted the
phenotypes of cells with lesions in UPR signaling, including a
surprising and previously unreported differential role for the
eIF2? phosphatase GADD34 in exacerbating severe stress but
ameliorating mild stress. We then used the model to test the
functional importance of a feed-forward circuit within the
PERK/CHOP axis, and of cross-regulatory control of BiP and CHOP
expression. We found that the wiring structure of the UPR
appears to balance the ability of the response to remain
sensitive to ER stress yet also to be rapidly deactivated by
improved protein folding conditions. This model should serve as
a valuable resource for further exploring the regulatory logic
of the UPR.
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Danilo R. Diedrichs
PROVIDER: BIOMD0000000703 | BioModels | 2024-09-02