This a model from the article:
A theoretical model of type I collagen proteolysis by matrix metalloproteinase
(MMP) 2 and membrane type 1 MMP in the presence of tissue inhibitor of
metalloproteinase 2.
Karagiannis ED, Popel AS. J Biol Chem
2004 Sep 10;279(37):39105-14 15252025
One well documented family of enzymes responsible for the proteolytic processes
that occur in the extracellular matrix is the soluble and membrane-associated
matrix metalloproteinases. Here we present the first theoretical model of the
biochemical network describing the proteolysis of collagen I by matrix
metalloproteinases 2 (MMP2) and membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinases
(MT1-MMP) in the presence of the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 2
(TIMP2) in a bulk, cell-free, well stirred environment. The model can serve as a
tool for describing quantitatively the activation of the MMP2 proenzyme
(pro-MMP2), the ectodomain shedding of MT1-MMP, and the collagenolysis arising
from both of the enzymes. We show that pro-MMP2 activation, a process that
involves a trimer formation of the proenzyme with TIMP2 and MT1-MMP, is
suppressed at high inhibitor levels and paradoxically attains maximum only at
intermediate TIMP2 concentrations. We also calculate the conditions for which
pro-MMP2 activation is maximal. Furthermore we demonstrate that the ectodomain
shedding of MT1-MMP can serve as a mechanism controlling the MT1-MMP
availability and therefore the pro-MMP2 activation. Finally the proteolytic
synergism of MMP2 and MT1-MMP is introduced and described quantitatively. The
model provides us a tool to determine the conditions under which the synergism
is optimized. Our approach is the first step toward a more complete description
of the proteolytic processes that occur in the extracellular matrix and include
a wider spectrum of enzymes and substrates as well as naturally occurring or
artificial inhibitors.
This model was taken from the CellML repository
and automatically converted to SBML.
The original model was:
Karagiannis ED, Popel AS. (2004) - version01
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