This a model from the article:
A mathematical model of fatigue in skeletal muscle force contraction.
Shorten PR, O'Callaghan P, Davidson JB, Soboleva TK. J Muscle Res Cell Motil
2007;28(6):293-313 18080210
The ability for muscle to repeatedly generate force is limited by fatigue. The
cellular mechanisms behind muscle fatigue are complex and potentially include
breakdown at many points along the excitation-contraction pathway. In this paper
we construct a mathematical model of the skeletal muscle excitation-contraction
pathway based on the cellular biochemical events that link excitation to
contraction. The model includes descriptions of membrane voltage, calcium
cycling and crossbridge dynamics and was parameterised and validated using the
response characteristics of mouse skeletal muscle to a range of electrical
stimuli. This model was used to uncover the complexities of skeletal muscle
fatigue. We also parameterised our model to describe force kinetics in fast and
slow twitch fibre types, which have a number of biochemical and biophysical
differences. How these differences interact to generate different force/fatigue
responses in fast- and slow- twitch fibres is not well understood and we used
our modelling approach to bring new insights to this relationship.
This model was taken from the CellML repository
and automatically converted to SBML.
The original model was:
Shorten PR, O'Callaghan P, Davidson JB, Soboleva TK. (2007) - version02
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