This a model from the article:
Metabotropic receptor activation, desensitization and sequestration-I: modelling
calcium and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate dynamics following receptor activation.
Lemon G, Gibson WG, Bennett MR. J Theor Biol
2003 Jul 7;223(1):93-111 12782119
A mathematical account is given of the processes governing the time courses of
calcium ions (Ca2+), inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3)) and
phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP(2)) in single cells following the
application of external agonist to metabotropic receptors. A model is
constructed that incorporates the regulation of metabotropic receptor activity,
the G-protein cascade and the Ca2+ dynamics in the cytosol. It is subsequently
used to reproduce observations on the extent of desensitization and
sequestration of the P(2)Y(2) receptor following its activation by uridine
triphosphate (UTP). The theory predicts the dependence on agonist concentration
of the change in the number of receptors in the membrane as well as the time
course of disappearance of receptors from the plasmalemma, upon exposure to
agonist. In addition, the extent of activation and desensitization of the
receptor, using the calcium transients in cells initiated by exposure to
agonist, is also predicted. Model predictions show the significance of membrane
PIP(2) depletion and resupply on the time course of IP(3) and Ca2+ levels.
Results of the modelling also reveal the importance of receptor recycling and
PIP(2) resupply for maintaining Ca2+ and IP(3) levels during sustained
application of agonist.
This model was taken from the CellML repository
and automatically converted to SBML.
The original model was:
Lemon G, Gibson WG, Bennett MR. (2003) - version=1.0
The original CellML model was created by:
Wei Liu
The University of Auckland
This model originates from BioModels Database: A Database of Annotated Published Models (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/biomodels/). It is copyright (c) 2005-2011 The BioModels.net Team.
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