This is the model described in the article:
Stimulus specificity of gene expression programs determined by temporal control of IKK activity.
by Werner SL, Barken D, Hoffmann A. Science. 2005 Sep 16;309(5742):1857-61; PMID: 16166517
, DOI= 10.1126/science.1113319
A small number of mammalian signaling pathways mediate a myriad of distinct physiological responses to diverse cellular stimuli. Temporal control of the signaling module that contains IkappaB kinase (IKK), its substrate inhibitor of NF-kappaB (IkappaB), and the key inflammatory transcription factor NF-kappaB can allow for selective gene activation. We have demonstrated that different inflammatory stimuli induce distinct IKK profiles, and we examined the underlying molecular mechanisms. Although tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha)-induced IKK activity was rapidly attenuated by negative feedback, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) signaling and LPS-specific gene expression programs were dependent on a cytokine-mediated positive feedback mechanism. Thus, the distinct biological responses to LPS and TNFalpha depend on signaling pathway-specific mechanisms that regulate the temporal profile of IKK activity.
The model was implemented according to the description in the supplemental materials and by comparison to the matlab files provided by Prof. Hoffmann. It includes a delay for the induced transcription of IκBε mRNA. For the IKK input one of the randomly generated profiles was used. In its current form the model could not reproduce the time courses given in the article, as first the IKK activity profiles cannot easily be described by the same fitting functions in SBML and second the time delay limits simulation to tools, for which the current converters do not provide full SBML export.
Originally created by libAntimony v1.4 (using libSBML 3.4.1)
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