Ontology highlight
SUBMITTER: Camille Laibe
PROVIDER: MODEL1310110047 | BioModels | 2005-01-01
Items per page: 5 1 - 5 of 11 |
Thiele Ines I Swainston Neil N Fleming Ronan M T RM Hoppe Andreas A Sahoo Swagatika S Aurich Maike K MK Haraldsdottir Hulda H Mo Monica L ML Rolfsson Ottar O Stobbe Miranda D MD Thorleifsson Stefan G SG Agren Rasmus R Bölling Christian C Bordel Sergio S Chavali Arvind K AK Dobson Paul P Dunn Warwick B WB Endler Lukas L Hala David D Hucka Michael M Hull Duncan D Jameson Daniel D Jamshidi Neema N Jonsson Jon J JJ Juty Nick N Keating Sarah S Nookaew Intawat I Le Novère Nicolas N Malys Naglis N Mazein Alexander A Papin Jason A JA Price Nathan D ND Selkov Evgeni E Sigurdsson Martin I MI Simeonidis Evangelos E Sonnenschein Nikolaus N Smallbone Kieran K Sorokin Anatoly A van Beek Johannes H G M JH Weichart Dieter D Goryanin Igor I Nielsen Jens J Westerhoff Hans V HV Kell Douglas B DB Mendes Pedro P Palsson Bernhard Ø BØ
Nature biotechnology 20130303 5
Multiple models of human metabolism have been reconstructed, but each represents only a subset of our knowledge. Here we describe Recon 2, a community-driven, consensus 'metabolic reconstruction', which is the most comprehensive representation of human metabolism that is applicable to computational modeling. Compared with its predecessors, the reconstruction has improved topological and functional features, including ∼2× more reactions and ∼1.7× more unique metabolites. Using Recon 2 we predicte ...[more]