Qosa2014 - Mechanistic modeling that
describes Aβ clearance across BBB
Qosa2014 - Mechanistic modeling that
describes Aβ clearance across BBB.
Encoded non-curated model. Issues:
- Confusing equation 6
- Missing initial values for spices
This model is described in the article:
Differences in amyloid-?
clearance across mouse and human blood-brain barrier models:
kinetic analysis and mechanistic modeling.
Qosa H, Abuasal BS, Romero IA,
Weksler B, Couraud PO, Keller JN, Kaddoumi A.
Neuropharmacology 2014 Apr; 79:
Alzheimer's disease (AD) has a characteristic hallmark of
amyloid-? (A?) accumulation in the brain. This accumulation of
A? has been related to its faulty cerebral clearance. Indeed,
preclinical studies that used mice to investigate A? clearance
showed that efflux across blood-brain barrier (BBB) and brain
degradation mediate efficient A? clearance. However, the
contribution of each process to A? clearance remains unclear.
Moreover, it is still uncertain how species differences between
mouse and human could affect A? clearance. Here, a modified
form of the brain efflux index method was used to estimate the
contribution of BBB and brain degradation to A? clearance from
the brain of wild type mice. We estimated that 62% of
intracerebrally injected (125)I-A?40 is cleared across BBB
while 38% is cleared by brain degradation. Furthermore,
in vitro and in silico studies were performed to compare
A? clearance between mouse and human BBB models. Kinetic
studies for A?40 disposition in bEnd3 and hCMEC/D3 cells,
representative in vitro mouse and human BBB models,
respectively, demonstrated 30-fold higher rate of (125)I-A?40
uptake and 15-fold higher rate of degradation by bEnd3 compared
to hCMEC/D3 cells. Expression studies showed both cells to
express different levels of P-glycoprotein and RAGE, while LRP1
levels were comparable. Finally, we established a mechanistic
model, which could successfully predict cellular levels of
(125)I-A?40 and the rate of each process. Established
mechanistic model suggested significantly higher rates of A?
uptake and degradation in bEnd3 cells as rationale for the
observed differences in (125)I-A?40 disposition between mouse
and human BBB models. In conclusion, current study demonstrates
the important role of BBB in the clearance of A? from the
brain. Moreover, it provides insight into the differences
between mouse and human BBB with regards to A? clearance and
offer, for the first time, a mathematical model that describes
A? clearance across BBB.
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