Quek2014 - Metabolic flux analysis of HEK cell culture using Recon 2 (reduced version of Recon 2)
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Quek2014 - Metabolic flux analysis of HEK
cell culture using Recon 2 (reduced version of Recon 2)
This model is described in the article:
Reducing Recon 2 for
steady-state flux analysis of HEK cell culture.
Quek LE, Dietmair S, Hanscho M,
Martínez VS, Borth N, Nielsen LK.
J. Biotechnol. 2014 Aug; 184:
A representative stoichiometric model is essential to
perform metabolic flux analysis (MFA) using experimentally
measured consumption (or production) rates as constraints. For
Human Embryonic Kidney (HEK) cell culture, there is the
opportunity to use an extremely well-curated and annotated
human genome-scale model Recon 2 for MFA. Performing MFA using
Recon 2 without any modification would have implied that cells
have access to all functionality encoded by the genome, which
is not realistic. The majority of intracellular fluxes are
poorly determined as only extracellular exchange rates are
measured. This is compounded by the fact that there is no
suitable metabolic objective function to suppress non-specific
fluxes. We devised a heuristic to systematically reduce Recon 2
to emphasize flux through core metabolic reactions. This
implies that cells would engage these dominant metabolic
pathways to grow, and any significant changes in gross
metabolic phenotypes would have invoked changes in these
pathways. The reduced metabolic model becomes a functionalized
version of Recon 2 used for identifying significant metabolic
changes in cells by flux analysis.
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Kieran Smallbone
PROVIDER: MODEL1504080000 | BioModels | 2015-04-15