Millard2016 - E. coli central carbon and energy metabolism
Ontology highlight
Millard2016 - E. coli central carbon and
energy metabolism
This model is described in the article:
Metabolic regulation is
sufficient for global and robust coordination of glucose
uptake, catabolism, energy production and growth in Escherichia
Pierre Millard , Kieran Smallbone,
Pedro Mendes
The metabolism of microorganisms is regulated through two
main mechanisms: changes of enzyme capacities as a consequence
of gene expression modulation (“hierarchical
control”) and changes of enzyme activities through
metabolite-enzyme interactions. An increasing body of evidence
indicates that hierarchical control is insufficient to explain
metabolic behaviors, but the system-wide impact of metabolic
regulation remains largely uncharacterized. To clarify its
role, we developed and validated a detailed kinetic model of
Escherichia coli central metabolism that links growth to
environment. Metabolic control analyses confirm that the
control is widely distributed across the network and highlight
strong interconnections between all the pathways. Exploration
of the model solution space reveals that several robust
properties emerge from metabolic regulation, from the molecular
level (e.g. homeostasis of total metabolite pool) to the
overall cellular physiology (e.g. coordination of carbon
uptake, catabolism, energy and redox production, and growth),
while allowing a large degree of flexibility at most individual
metabolic steps. These properties have important physiological
implications for E. coli and significantly expand the
self-regulating capacities of its metabolism.
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Pierre Millard
PROVIDER: MODEL1505110000 | BioModels | 2017-02-21