Förster2008 - Genome-scale metabolic network of Saccharamyces cerevisiae (iFF708)
Ontology highlight
Förster2008 - Genome-scale metabolic
network of Saccharamyces cerevisiae (iFF708)
This model is described in the article:
Genome-scale reconstruction
of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolic network.
Förster J, Famili I, Fu P,
Palsson BØ, Nielsen J.
Genome Res. 2003 Feb; 13(2):
The metabolic network in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
was reconstructed using currently available genomic,
biochemical, and physiological information. The metabolic
reactions were compartmentalized between the cytosol and the
mitochondria, and transport steps between the compartments and
the environment were included. A total of 708 structural open
reading frames (ORFs) were accounted for in the reconstructed
network, corresponding to 1035 metabolic reactions. Further,
140 reactions were included on the basis of biochemical
evidence resulting in a genome-scale reconstructed metabolic
network containing 1175 metabolic reactions and 584
metabolites. The number of gene functions included in the
reconstructed network corresponds to approximately 16% of all
characterized ORFs in S. cerevisiae. Using the reconstructed
network, the metabolic capabilities of S. cerevisiae were
calculated and compared with Escherichia coli. The
reconstructed metabolic network is the first comprehensive
network for a eukaryotic organism, and it may be used as the
basis for in silico analysis of phenotypic functions.
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Nicolas Le Novère
PROVIDER: MODEL1507180012 | BioModels | 2015-07-30