Talemi2016 - Yeast osmo-homoestasis
Ontology highlight
Talemi2016 - Yeast osmo-homoestasis
This model is described in the article:
Systems Level Analysis of
the Yeast Osmo-Stat.
Talemi SR, Tiger CF, Andersson M,
Babazadeh R, Welkenhuysen N, Klipp E, Hohmann S, Schaber J.
Sci Rep 2016; 6: 30950
Adaptation is an important property of living organisms
enabling them to cope with environmental stress and maintaining
homeostasis. Adaptation is mediated by signaling pathways
responding to different stimuli. Those signaling pathways might
communicate in order to orchestrate the cellular response to
multiple simultaneous stimuli, a phenomenon called crosstalk.
Here, we investigate possible mechanisms of crosstalk between
the High Osmolarity Glycerol (HOG) and the Cell Wall Integrity
(CWI) pathways in yeast, which mediate adaptation to hyper- and
hypo-osmotic challenges, respectively. We combine ensemble
modeling with experimental investigations to test in
quantitative terms different hypotheses about the crosstalk of
the HOG and the CWI pathways. Our analyses indicate that for
the conditions studied i) the CWI pathway activation employs an
adaptive mechanism with a variable volume-dependent threshold,
in contrast to the HOG pathway, whose activation relies on a
fixed volume-dependent threshold, ii) there is no or little
direct crosstalk between the HOG and CWI pathways, and iii) its
mainly the HOG alone mediating adaptation of cellular osmotic
pressure for both hyper- as well as hypo-osmotic stress. Thus,
by iteratively combining mathematical modeling with
experimentation we achieved a better understanding of
regulatory mechanisms of yeast osmo-homeostasis and formulated
new hypotheses about osmo-sensing.
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Soheil Rastgou Talemi
PROVIDER: MODEL1606100000 | BioModels | 2017-05-18