Huarat2016 -Starvation-induced Ser/Thr protein kinase ArnS (Saci_1181) (Model 14)
Ontology highlight
Huarat2016 -Starvation-induced Ser/Thr
protein kinase ArnS (Saci_1181) (Model 14)
This model is described in the article:
ArnS, a kinase involved in
starvation-induced archaellum expression.
Haurat MF, Figueiredo AS, Hoffmann
L, Li L, Herr K, J Wilson A, Beeby M, Schaber J, Albers SV.
Mol. Microbiol. 2016 Oct; :
Organisms have evolved motility organelles that allow them
to move to favourable habitats. Cells integrate environmental
stimuli into intracellular signals to motility machineries to
direct this migration. Many motility organelles are complex
surface appendages that have evolved a tight, hierarchical
regulation of expression. In the crenearchaeon Sulfolobus
acidocaldarius, biosynthesis of the archaellum is regulated by
regulatory network proteins that control expression of
archaellum components in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. A
major trigger for archaellum expression is nutrient starvation,
but although some components are known, the regulatory cascade
triggered by starvation is poorly understood. In this work, the
starvation-induced Ser/Thr protein kinase ArnS (Saci_1181)
which is located proximally to the archaellum operon was
identified. Deletion of arnS results in reduced motility,
though the archaellum is properly assembled. Therefore, our
experimental and modelling results indicate that ArnS plays an
essential role in the precisely controlled expression of
archaellum components during starvation-induced motility in
Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. Furthermore they combined in vivo
experiments and mathematical models to describe for the first
time in archaea the dynamics of key regulators of archaellum
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Ana Sofia Figueiredo
PROVIDER: MODEL1607210000 | BioModels | 2016-12-05