Yapo2017 - A2AR/cAMP/PKA signalling in D2 dopamine receptor expressing medium-spiny neurons
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Yapo2017 - A2AR/cAMP/PKA signalling in D2 dopamine receptor expressing medium-spiny neurons
This model is described in the article:
Detection of phasic dopamine
by D1 and D2 striatal medium spiny neurons.
Yapo C, Nair AG, Clement L, Castro
LR, Hellgren Kotaleski J, Vincent P.
J. Physiol. (Lond.) 2017 Aug; :
The phasic release of dopamine in the striatum determines
various aspects of reward and action selection, but the
dynamics of dopamine effect on intracellular signalling remains
poorly understood. We used genetically-encoded FRET biosensors
in striatal brain slices to quantify the effect of transient
dopamine on cAMP or PKA-dependent phosphorylation level, and
computational modelling to further explore the dynamics of this
signalling pathway. Medium-sized spiny neurons (MSNs), which
express either D1 or D2 dopamine receptors, responded to
dopamine by an increase or a decrease in cAMP, respectively.
Transient dopamine showed similar sub-micromolar efficacies on
cAMP in both D1 and D2 MSNs, thus challenging the commonly
accepted notion that dopamine efficacy is much higher on D2
than on D1 receptors. However, in D2 MSNs, the large decrease
in cAMP level triggered by transient dopamine did not translate
in a decrease in PKA-dependent phosphorylation level, owing to
the efficient inhibition of Protein Phosphatase 1 by DARPP-32.
Simulations further suggested that D2 MSNs can also operate in
a "tone-sensing" mode, allowing them to detect transient dips
in basal dopamine. Overall, our results show that D2 MSNs may
sense much more complex patterns of dopamine than previously
thought. This article is protected by copyright. All rights
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Anu G Nair
PROVIDER: MODEL1701170001 | BioModels | 2017-08-16