Gebauer2016 - Genome-scale model of Caenorhabditis elegans metabolism (with bacteria)
Ontology highlight
Gebauer2016 - Genome-scale model of
Caenorhabditis elegans metabolism (with bacteria)
This model is one of the two versions
of ElegCyc presented in the paper. It describes the metabolism of a
worm raised in a medium with bacteria
This model is described in the article:
A Genome-Scale Database and
Reconstruction of Caenorhabditis elegans Metabolism.
Gebauer J, Gentsch C, Mansfeld J,
Schmeißer K, Waschina S, Brandes S, Klimmasch L, Zamboni N,
Zarse K, Schuster S, Ristow M, Schäuble S, Kaleta C.
Cell Syst 2016 May; 2(5): 312-322
We present a genome-scale model of Caenorhabditis elegans
metabolism along with the public database ElegCyc
(, which represents a
reference for metabolic pathways in the worm and allows for the
visualization as well as analysis of omics datasets.
Our model reflects the metabolic peculiarities of
C. elegans that make it distinct from other higher
eukaryotes and mammals, including mice and humans. We
experimentally verify one of these peculiarities by showing
that the lifespan-extending effect of L-tryptophan
supplementation is dose dependent (hormetic). Finally, we show
the utility of our model for analyzing omics datasets through
predicting changes in amino acid concentrations after genetic
perturbations and analyzing metabolic changes during normal
aging as well as during two distinct, reactive oxygen
species (ROS)-related lifespan-extending treatments. Our
analyses reveal a notable similarity in metabolic adaptation
between distinct lifespan-extending interventions and point to
key pathways affecting lifespan in nematodes.
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Nicolas Le Novère
PROVIDER: MODEL1704200001 | BioModels | 2017-04-20