Ontology highlight
SUBMITTER: Matthew Roberts
PROVIDER: MODEL1808210001 | BioModels | 2018-08-21
Action | DRS | |||
MODEL1808210001?filename=Kremers2015.cps | Other | |||
MODEL1808210001?filename=Kremers2015.xml | Xml |
Items per page: 5 1 - 2 of 2 |
Kremers R M W RM Peters T C TC Wagenvoord R J RJ Hemker H C HC
Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH 20150107 3
<h4>Background</h4>The generation of thrombin in time is the combined effect of the processes of prothrombin conversion and thrombin inactivation. Measurement of prothrombin consumption used to provide valuable information on hemostatic disorders, but is no longer used, due to its elaborate nature.<h4>Objectives</h4>Because thrombin generation (TG) curves are easily obtained with modern techniques, we developed a method to extract the prothrombin conversion curve from the TG curve, using a compu ...[more]