Ontology highlight
SUBMITTER: Johannes Meyer
PROVIDER: MODEL1907310001 | BioModels | 2024-12-21
Action | DRS | |||
MODEL1907310001?filename=Dold%C3%A1nMartelli2013.cps | Other | |||
MODEL1907310001?filename=Dold%C3%A1nMartelli2013.xml | Xml |
Items per page: 5 1 - 2 of 2 |
Doldán-Martelli V V Guantes R R Míguez D G DG
CPT: pharmacometrics & systems pharmacology 20130213
Chimeric drugs with selective potential toward specific cell types constitute one of the most promising forefronts of modern Pharmacology. We present a mathematical model to test and optimize these synthetic constructs, as an alternative to conventional empirical design. We take as a case study a chimeric construct composed of epidermal growth factor (EGF) linked to different mutants of interferon (IFN). Our model quantitatively reproduces all the experimental results, illustrating how chimeras ...[more]