Project description:We have used chromatin immune-precipitation with parallel sequencing (ChIP-Seq) technology to identify genome-wide H3K4me3 binding in human lymphoblastoid cell lines treated with a DNA-damaging chemotherapeutic reagent doxorubicin. ChIP-Seq analysis of H3K4me3 binding sites in human lymphoblastoid cells treated with Doxorubicin or vehicle
Project description:We have used chromatin immune-precipitation with parallel sequencing (ChIP-Seq) technology to identify genome-wide p53 binding in human lymphoblastoid cell lines treated with a DNA-damaging chemotherapeutic reagent doxorubicin. ChIP-Seq analysis of p53 binding sites in human lymphoblastoid cells treated with Doxorubicin or vehicle
Project description:Cellular oxidative and electrophilic stress triggers a protective response in mammals regulated by NRF2 (nuclear factor (erythroid-derived) 2-like; NFE2L2) binding to DNA-regulatory sequences near stress responsive genes. Studies using Nrf2-deficient mice suggest that hundreds of genes may be regulated by NRF2. To identify human NRF2-regulated genes, we conducted ChIP-sequencing experiments in lymphoid cells treated with the dietary isothiocyanate, sulforaphane (SFN) and carried out follow-up biological experiments on candidates. We found 242 high-confidence, NRF2-bound genomic regions and 96% of these regions contained NRF2-regulatory sequence motifs. The majority of binding sites were near potential novel members of the NRF2 pathway. Validation of selected candidate genes using parallel ChIP techniques and in NRF2-silenced cell lines indicated that the expression of about two thirds of the candidates are likely to be directly NRF2-dependent including retinoid X receptor alpha (RXRA). NRF2 regulation of RXRAhas implications for response to retinoid treatments and adipogenesis. In mouse 3T3-L1 cells SFN treatment affected Rxra expression early in adipogenesis and knockdown of Nrf2 delayed Rxra expression, both leading to impaired adipogenesis. ChIP-Seq analysis of NRF2 binding sites in human lymphoblastoid cells treated with sulforaphane or vehicle
Project description:To determine if induced p53 binding is associated with gene expression in genome-wide. We examined mRNA levels with the Affymetrix Human Exon 1.0 ST platform in human lymphoblastoid GM12878 cells treated with doxorubicin to activate p53. In response to various cellular stresses, the tumor suppressor gene p53 induces activation or repression of more than a thousand human genes. Selective binding and transactivation of a large potential pool of p53 response elements (REs) is believed to regulate the variation in stress response across stress types and between cell types. To elucidate how the human genome is targeted by p53 at the chromatin level, we mapped the genome-wide localization of p53 and H3K4me3 from Doxo-treated human lymphoblastoid cells, and examined the relationships among p53 occupancy, gene expression, H3K4me3, chromatin accessibility (DNase 1 Hypersensitivity, DHS), ENCODE chromatin states, RE sequence specificity and evolutionary conservation. Human lymphoblastoid (GM 12878) cells at a density of 900,000 cells/ml were prepared in triplicate for each time point and treated with 0.5 µM doxorubicin (Calbiochem) for 4, 18 hr or no treatment (at 0 time). Total RNA will be extracted from each culture (9 RNA samples) using the Qiagen RNeasy kit with DNase digestion. RNA was quantified using RiboGreen (Invitrogen), check for quality by OD and Bioanalyzer and stored at -80°C. Expression analysis was conducted at at NIEHS Microarray Core using Affymetrix Human Exon 1.0 ST arrays following the Affymetrix hybridization protocols. Exon expression data were analyzed through Affymetrix Expression Console using gene-level RMA summarization and sketch-quantile normalization methods.
Project description:We have used chromatin immune-precipitation with parallel sequencing (ChIP-Seq) technology to identify genome-wide p53 binding in human lymphoblastoid cell lines treated with a MDM2 inhibitor nutlin-3 ChIP-Seq analysis of p53 binding sites in human lymphoblastoid cells treated with nutlin-3 or vehicle
Project description:We identified a SNP rs242561, located within a regulatory region of the MAPT gene (encoding microtubule-associated protein Tau). It was consistently occupied by NRF2/sMAF in multiple ChIP-seq experiments, and its strong-binding allele increased transactivation, and accorded higher mRNA levels in cell lines and human brain. To confirm the allele-specific binding, we conducted ChIP tagmentaion sequencing experiment in human lymphoblastoid cell line GM12763 which is heterozygous for rs242561. NRF2 ChIP DNA was isolated from GM12763 cells treated with Sulforaphane (SFN) in triplicates. The region containing rs242561 was amplified using primers, Fwd 5â??-AGCCTTCCCTGTCCTTGATT-3â??, Rev 5â??-GGACCGAGCTTCCAGTCTAA-3â??, and tagmentated using Tn5-based transposition for library construction. Libraries were sequenced on Illumina MiSeq. NRF2 ChIP tagmentation sequencing of a 241bp intron region in MAPT gene using GM12763 treated with sulforaphane
Project description:We have used chromatin immune-precipitation with parallel sequencing (ChIP-Seq) technology to identify genome-wide p53 binding in human lymphoblastoid cell lines treated withionizing radiation ChIP-Seq analysis of p53 binding sites in human lymphoblastoid cells treated with ionizing radiation or vehicle
Project description:The transcription factor E2F4 is a member of the E2F family of regulators which has critical roles in cell cycle control and differentiation. In order to fully understand the physiological roles of E2F4 and the regulatory networks it mediates, and to reveal its relationships with other members of the E2F family, it is essential to comprehensively identify E2F4 target sites throughout the genome. Here, we investigated genome-wide E2F4 targets in human lymphoblastoid cells using the recently developed unbiased target discovery technique of ChIP sequencing. We sequecned E2F4 ChIP and corresponding Input
Project description:This is the validation data for candidate de novo CNV calls made in the CEU Hapmap by Itsara et al., Genome Research 2010. In this study, de novo CNV calls were initially made with Illumina 1M SNP arrays. Validation of CNV calls was performed with Nimblegen custom array CGH using the extended CEPH pedigrees. A truly de novo CNV would be unobserved in the first generation (CEU trio parents), validated in the second generation (CEU trio children), and assuming no selective effects, transmitted to approximately half of the individuals in the third generation. We attempted validation of 4 de novo CNVs in 3 extended CEPH pedigrees: 1358, 1408, and 1459. 12 samples were hybridized in each of the three pedigrees (36 samples total) against a previously well-characterized reference (GM15510; see Tuzun et al., Nat Genet 2005).
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE23572: Custom array CGH validation of de novo CNVs in asthma samples GSE23575: Custom array CGH validation of de novo CNVs in CEU HapMap samples Refer to individual Series