
Dataset Information


MicroRNA profiling of different adipose tissues and muscles

ABSTRACT: Purpose: The goals of this study are to compare microRNA profiling in different adipose tissues and muscles using microRNA arrays. Methods: Tissue microRNA profiles of 2-3-month old mice were generated by using miRCURY™ LNA microRNA Array. The samples were hybridized on a hybridization station following the scheme you outlined in the sample submission. Scanning is performed with the Axon GenePix 4000B microarray scanner. GenePix pro V6.0 is used to read the raw intensity of the image. The intensity of green signal is calculated after background subtraction and four Replicated spots of each probe on the same slide have been calculated the median. We use Median Normalization Method to obtain “Normalized Data”, Normalized Data = (Foreground-Background) ­/ ­median, the median is 50 percent quantile of microRNA intensity which is larger than 50 in all samples after background correction. Results and conclusion: The miRNA expression profiling was completed on our samples. The profiling identified a subset of the total number of miRNAs analyzed by the miRCURY™ array that are differentially expressed in brown adipose tissue, inguinal adipose tissue, epidydimal adipose tissue, gastrocnemius muscle, and soleus muscle. Tissue microRNA profiles of 2-3-month old mice were generated by microarray, using miRCURY™ LNA Array.

ORGANISM(S): Mus musculus


PROVIDER: E-GEOD-81976 | biostudies-arrayexpress |

REPOSITORIES: biostudies-arrayexpress

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