Project description:The aim of the experiment was to analyse the modification of the change in expression of genes encoding enzymes involved in the modification of cell wall polysaccharide structure during development.
Project description:TDNA insertion mutants in CYP98A3 were produced by K. Feldmann, and studied through transcriptomic analysis against the wild type WS (specific insertion was checked by PCR and segregation analysis). Characterization of knockout mutants for P450s can be very helpful to fully understand the function of the disrupted gene, and is expected to generate information about the molecular basis of mutants phenotype.
Project description:A functional study of genes that might play a role in DNA repair/recombination and in the response to oxidative stress (Microarrays expression studies, Microbiological assays, In planta functional studies). Which Arabidopsis thaliana genes are induced by ionising radiations? Comparison of SADE transcriptome data (Af1999083) and micro-arrays transcriptome data.
Project description:which Arabidopsis thaliana genes are induced by ionising radiations? time course: 0.75h, 1.5h, 3h, 5h <br>dose:gamma rays irradiated vs non irradiated 4 days old seedlings
Project description:Seedlings were given a dose of 100 Gray with a 60 cobalt source at a dose rate of 22 gray min -1<br> comparison irradiated Wild Type vs non irradiated Wild Type<br> comparison irradiated mutant ATM vs non irradiated mutant ATM
Project description:After 7 days under normal culture conditions, an iron stress was imposed by addition of iron citrate (500 uM final concentration). This time constituted the time zero (T0) of the time-course experiment.<br> Cells were collected from separate Erlenmeyer flasks at times T0, T+5 min, T+15 min, T+30 min, T+60 min, T+6 h, and T+24h.<br> After filtration, cells were washed with water twice, frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at 80C before processing for RNA extraction.
Project description:Functions of AtVDAC1 and its partner p26 in Arabidopsis thaliana. We previously showed that knock-out mutants impaired in AtVdac1 and p26 (AtVdac1 protein partner) are hypersensitive to salicylic acid: the root growth is more inhibited in response to 30 uM salicylic acid (SA) compared to the wild type. We want to know now which genes are up- or down-regulated in the mutants in control and SA conditions.<br> We want to compare the RNAm contents in the wild type, vdac1 and p26 mutants and, vdac1-p26 double mutant. One-week old plantlets were transferred for 2 hours on a fresh medium containing either 0 or 30uM salicylic acid.<br> Arabidopsis lines (WT, vdac1.1, p26.1, vdac1.1-p26.1) were grown in vertical position on ABIS medium (Lanquar et al., 2006). One week-old seedlings were transferred on a fresh ABIS medium containing either 0 or 30 uM salicylic acid. After 2 hours, the all seedlings were harvested. Three replicates were done; total RNAs from these 3 experiments were mixed together for the transcriptomic analysis.
Project description:Does the NRT2.7 participate to the HATS?<br> We would like to understand the function of the AtNRT2.7 in nitrate transport under limiting and non limiting nitrate conditions.<br> Plants were harvested after 32 days for plants under high nitrogen nutrition and 42 days for low nitrogen nutrition. Plants were grown hydroponic condition (short day, 170 uE).
Project description:Transcriptomic study of a thioredoxin reductase knock-out mutant.<br> <br> Biological question :<br> Thioredoxins are small redox proteins implicated in crucial pathways of cell life. They are reduced by a conserved flavoprotein named NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase (NTR). In order to give an insight into the functions of the NTR/thioredoxin pathway in Arabidopsis, we have used a reverse genetic approch. Both NTR genes (NTRA and NTRB) have been inactivated in the double ntra ntrb mutant. T-DNA lines have been provided by the SALK library. Surprisingly, this mutant shows a limited phenotype suggested that some additional redox pathways are involved in compensating the inactivation of the NTR/thioredoxin pathway. In order to isolate compensatory genes that would be transcriptionally induced in the ntra ntrb mutant, we have performed this CATMA project.<br> <br> Seeds of the wild-type Col-0 ecotype and of the ntra ntrb homozygote double mutant were sowed in soil. Three replicates of lines were made (Col-0 1, 2 and 3 ntra ntrb 1, 2 and 3) : plants were put at different places of the greenhouse and grown at different times. Germination was synchronized by 4 days at 4C and plants were grown during 17 days, until they reached a 6 rosette leaves stage. Entire plants (30 plants per sample) were harvested, frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80C until extraction.<br> <br>
Project description:Columbia Arabidopsis ecotype were grown hydroponically on 1 mM NH4NO3 as sole nitrogen source during 35 days under short days. Plants leaves were then sprayed with a seaweed extract or with water (control). Root and shoot samples were harvested separately 1 hour and 7 days after this spraying.