Project description:ra12-03_raptor-nacl - Characterization to raptor mutants (partner of the kinase TOR) and of their answer to the salt stress. - Sowing on metal grids on MS/2 medium with continuous light. Transfer after 12 days of culture for 3h to liquid MS/2 medium containing or not 200 mM NaCl. 7 dye-swap - gene knock out, treated vs untreated comparison
Project description:gnp07_rilkit - rilkit-eqtl analysis (random pair design). To provide quantitative geneticists studying natural variation in our RIL populations with information and resources necessary to speed up QTL cloning and candidate genes identification. This articulates around the creation of two major resources and their integration into databases to make the information accessible to users: A. Whole transcriptome survey, B. Production of complementary material. Comparison of 164 Cvi/Col(8RV) Recombinant Inbred Lines (RILs) and 164 Bur/Col (20RV) RILs. 162 dye-swaps. Genotype and ecotype comparison.
Project description:The objective of this project is to identify genes that are expressed in the Arabidopsis thaliana root tip and that are early induced (or repressed) by phoshate deficiency. Seedlings were germinated and grown (for 6 days) on phosphate rich medium and transfered to either a phosphate poor medium (Pi- = 20uM Pi treatment) or a phosphate rich medium (Pi+ = 500uM, Pi = control). Fifteen and 60 minutes after transfer, the tip (~800um) of the primary root was cut under a dissecting microscope. About 100 root tips per condition were harvested and there mRNA was analysed with the use of microarrays. 6 dye-swap - time course,treated vs untreated comparison
Project description:gnp3_tri33-arabidoseed - eqtl analysis (random pair design) - WP3 : Biodiversity of seed traits : state of the art - Comparison of the developping seed transcriptome in 160 Bay0/Sha Recombinant Inbred Lines (RILs) at 10 days after pollinisation. Keywords: genotype and ecotype comparison 80 dye-swap - CATMA arrays
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE24692: chip in silencing suppressor plants or in mirna plants-Transcriptional and post-transcriptional changes in Arabidopsis plants that constitutively express suppressors of RNA silencing GSE24693: gene profiling in silencing suppressor plants or in mirna mutants-Transcriptional and post-transcriptional changes in Arabidopsis plants that constitutively express suppressors of RNA silencing GSE26739: Expression profiling in silencing suppressor plants or in mirna mutants-Transcriptional and post-transcriptional changes in Arabidopsis plants that constitutively express suppressors of RNA silencing Refer to individual Series
Project description:gen107_ptgs - gene profiling in silencing suppressor plants or in mirna mutants - What are the genes that are differentially regulated in various tissues derived from silencing suppressor plants or miRNA mutants? - HcPro, P15, P19, CHS-RNAi (control), were grown on MS solid medium, and tissues were harvested at different developmental stages. dcl1-9, hen1-1 and La-er (control) were grown on MS solid medium, and tissues harvested at different developmental stages. Keywords: gene knock in (transgenic),gene knock out 60 dye-swap - CATMA arrays
Project description:gen107_ptgs - gene profiling in silencing suppressor plants or in mirna mutants - What are the genes that are differentially regulated in various tissues derived from silencing suppressor plants or miRNA mutants? - HcPro, P15, P19, CHS-RNAi (control), were grown on MS solid medium, and tissues were harvested at different developmental stages. dcl1-9, hen1-1 and La-er (control) were grown on MS solid medium, and tissues harvested at different developmental stages. Keywords: gene knock in (transgenic),gene knock out 40 dye-swap - Chromochip Arabidopsis thaliana 21.7K CHROMO4_1
Project description:rs08-03_glutathion - glutathion - How does glutathione content or reduction state affect H2O2-induced changes in the transcriptome? - Three single Arabidopsis mutants were used: cat2, knockout for catalase2 and so enriched in H2O2; cad2, defective in glutathione content; cytGR, knockout for cytosolic glutathione reductase. Cat2 was crossed with cad2 and cyt GR, and col0, 3 single mutants, and 2 double mutants were sampled in controlled growth conditions either in 8h or 16h photoperiod. Keywords: gene knock out 20 dye-swap pairs - CATMA arrays: 40 arrays