Project description:The BldC gene is required for the formation of aerial hyphae in Streptomyces venezuelae. It is a 68 amino acid DNA-binding protein related to the MerR family of transcription factors. BldC deletion strains are bald because they initiate sporulation prematurely, omitting the formation of aerial hyphae altogether. This RNA-Seq experiment was carried out to determine and quantify effect of BldC on the expression of all genes in the S. venezuelae genome after 10 and 14 hours of culture.
Project description:Mitomycin C is a DNA crosslinking agent. This experiment was carried out to determine the effect of Mitomycin C on genome wide transcription in Streptomyces venezuelae NRRL B65442.
Project description:BldB is a regulatory protein in Streptomyces and most species have a number of paralogs in their genomes. Deletion of BldB leads to a developmental deficiency and the colonies fail to produce aerial mycelium. In this experiment global gene expression was compared between the WT and BldB deletion strain of Streptomyces venezuelae NRRL B65442 after 10, 14 and 22 hours of growth in liquid cultures.
Project description:Expression of iosA is greatly activated in the bldB deletion strain. whiJ9 is divergently transcribed from iosA and the double mutant (whiJ9 + bldB) was made to determine if WhiJ mediates the activation of iosA in the absence of BldB.
Project description:Transcription profiling by array of Streptomyces venezuelae wild type and bldN mutant strains during a time course from 8 to 20 hours, sampling at 2 hour intervals.
Project description:We studied the binding of HupS protein to Streptomyces venezuelae chromosome during development of aerial hyphae (14 hour of growth) using HupS-FLAG protein. Additionally investigated the role of SMC protein in HupS DNA binding using smc deletion strain.
Project description:We studied the binding of SMC protein to Streptomyces venezuelae chromosome during development of aerial hyphae (14 hour of growth) using SMC-FLAG protein. Additionally investigated the role of ParB protein in SMC DNA binding using parB deletion strain.
Project description:The dimerization and binding of DNA by BldD is affected by its interaction with cyclic di-GMP. The D116A mutant of BldD is partially impaired in its biding of cyclic di-GMP. ChIP-Seq was carried out to determine the difference in the degree of DNA binding by the wild type and D116A mutated BldD in Streptomyces venezuelae.
Project description:To determine the influence of BldM and WhiI on the binding of each other to their respective binding sites in the genome of Streptomyces venezuelae, ChIP-Seq experiments were carried out using polyclonal antibodies against the wild type proteins as well as anti-FLAG antibodies against FLAG-tagged proteins. Null mutants of Streptomyces venezuelae lacking WhiI or BldM were used as controls. The wild tpe strain was used as control in experiments using the anti-FLAG antibodies.