ABSTRACT: This dataset is comprised of RNA samples from 11 horses of various ages and sex that comprise the following tissues: Adipose Tissue, Adrenal Cortex, Adrenal Medulla, Aorta, Articular Cartilage (foal), Bladder, Bone, Bone Marrow, Cecum, Cerebrum, Cornea, Embryo (whole embryo, 34d), Endometrium (preg. day 16), Endometrium (preg. day 50), Epididymus, Hoof (germinal epithelium), Kidney, Large Intestine, Liver, Lung Lymph Node, Lymphocytes (activated), Muscle (cardiac), Muscle (skeletal, tongue), Muscle (skeletal), Muscle (smooth), Ovary, Pancreas, Pituitary (anterior), Pituitary (posterior), Placental Villous, Retina, Salivary Gland, Skin (full thickness), Spinal Cord, Spinal Root Ganglia, Spleen (red pulp), Spleen (white pulp), Stomach, Synovial Membrane, Tendon (superficial digital flexor, foal), Testes, Thymus, and Vena Cava. This study was carried out in strict accordance with the recommendations in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals of the National Institutes of Health. Tissue samples for total RNA isolation were collected under a protocol (00814A2004) reviewed and approved by the Office of Research Integrity, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, at the University of Kentucky (PHS Assurance Number: A3336-01). Two micrograms of mRNA from each tissue sample was used to generate the final RNA pool. The pooled sample was Illumina and 454 sequenced with the aim to improve equine gene structural annotation.