
Dataset Information


Illumina Microarray of human CD4+ T cells sorted into naive, central-memory, effector-memory, and transitioning cell populations

ABSTRACT: 3 healthy donor PBMC samples were isolated from EDTA blood. Then CD4+ T cells were magnetically isolated, stained for CD3, 4, 8, 56, 62L, 197, and then naive (CD45RA+62L+CCR7+), transitioning (CD45RAmedCD45ROmed), as well as CM (CD45RO+CD62L+CCR7+) and EM (CD45RO+CD62L-CCR7-) cells were FACS-sorted. mRNA was isolated from these cells using Zymo RNA kits and subjected to an Affymetrix microarray.

ORGANISM(S): Homo sapiens

SUBMITTER: Nicholas Schwab 

PROVIDER: E-MTAB-7413 | biostudies-arrayexpress |

REPOSITORIES: biostudies-arrayexpress

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