Project description:BackgroundSchmallenberg virus (SBV) is a vector-borne pathogen that mainly affects ruminants. Schmallenberg disease has never been described in southern Italy, although this geographic area displays climatic features suitable for Culicoides biting midges, which transmit the pathogen. An observational study was carried out in the Campania region in 2020 to evaluate the seroprevalence in cattle and water buffalo as well as to identify the risk factors involved in the distribution of SBV.ResultsRelatively high seroprevalences of 38.2% (cattle) and 43% (water buffalo) were found by using a commercial SBV ELISA, which is comparable to the prevalence obtained in other countries under post-epidemic conditions. A virus neutralization assay performed on positive samples showed high titers in a large percentage of animals which is assumed to indicate recent exposure. Bivariate analysis of several variables revealed some environmental factors associated with higher seroprevalence, such as mean annual temperature, distance from the coast, and altitude. Multivariate logistic regression confirmed the statistical association only for mean annual temperature, that was found to be the main factor responsible for the distribution of the virus in southern Italy. In addition, molecular diagnosis attempts were performed on serum samples and resulted in the detection of SBV RNA in two herds and six animals.ConclusionsIn this work we have demonstrated the circulation of SBV in southern Italy using both molecular and serological assays. This study emphasized the essential role of monitoring in preventing the re-emergence of vector-borne diseases in ruminants.
Project description:British sheep farmers were invited to complete a questionnaire about the impact of Schmallenberg virus (SBV) on animal health, welfare and their own emotional wellbeing during the 2011-2012 lambing season, through Defra and Farming Industry websites, letters to farmers who had requested SBV laboratory tests and advertisement at Sheep 2012. The 494 responders included SBV confirmed (positive by RT-PCR) (n=76), SBV suspected by farmer (n=140) or SBV not suspected (n=278). Percentage of barren ewes was similar across SBV groups, however, lamb and ewe losses were higher on responder farms where SBV was confirmed or suspected. The median percentages of all lambs born (and lambs born deformed?) that died within one week of birth was 10.4 per cent (5.5 per cent), 7.0 per cent (2.9 per cent) and 5.3 per cent (0 per cent), respectively, on SBV confirmed, suspected and not suspected farms (P<0.001). Eight to 16 per cent of SBV confirmed or suspected farms reported lamb mortality of ?40 per cent. Farmer perceived impact was greater where SBV was confirmed or suspected (P<0.001): 25 per cent reported a high impact on emotional wellbeing (4 per cent of SBV not suspected), 13 per cent reported a high impact on flock welfare and financial performance and 6 per cent were less likely to farm sheep next year because of SBV (<2 per cent in SBV not suspected). Overall, SBV impact has been large relative to reported sheep loss.
Project description:TO THE EDITOR: Streptomyces spp. are aerobic, gram-positive bacteria of the order Actinomycetales, known for their ability to produce antimicrobial molecules such as streptomycin. Streptomyces spp., usually saprophytic to humans, can cause local cutaneous fistulized nodules known as actinomycetoma or mycetoma. Severe invasive infections have seldom been reported, but most cases reported have occurred in immunocompromised patients (1-5). We report a case of invasive pulmonary infection caused by a Streptomyces sp. in a splenectomized patient with sarcoidosis.
Project description:Animal losses due to abortion and malformed offspring during the lambing period 2011/2012 amounted to 50% in ruminants in Europe. A new arthropod-borne virus, called Schmallenberg virus (SBV), was identified as the cause of these losses. Blood samples were obtained from 40 goat flocks and tested for antibodies against SBV by ELISA, with 95% being seropositive. The calculated intra-herd seroprevalence (median 36·7%, min-max 0-93·3%) was smaller than in cattle or sheep flocks. Only 25% of the farmers reported malformations in kids. Statistical analysis revealed a significantly lower risk of goats housed indoors all year-round to be infected by SBV than for goats kept outside day and night. The low intra-herd seroprevalence demonstrates that German goat flocks are still at risk of SBV infection. Therefore, they must be protected during the next lambing seasons by rescheduling the mating period, implementing indoor housing, and continuous treatment with repellents or vaccination.
Project description:We surveyed morphologic alterations in calves in Belgium that were naturally infected in utero by Schmallenberg virus (SBV) and born with deformities during January-March 2012. SBV-specific RNA was distributed unevenly in different tissues. Natural intrauterine SBV infection of calves might cause serious damage to the central nervous system and muscles.
Project description:Schmallenberg virus (SBV) emerged in Germany in 2011, spread rapidly across Europe, and almost disappeared in 2013. However, since late summer 2014, new cases have occurred in adult cattle. Full-genome analysis revealed some amino acid substitution differences from the first SBV sample. Viremia developed in experimentally infected sheep and cattle for 4-6 days.
Project description:Onchocerca lupi infection is reported primarily in symptomatic dogs. We aimed to determine the infection in dogs from areas of Greece and Portugal with reported cases. Of 107 dogs, 9 (8%) were skin snip-positive for the parasite. DNA sequences of parasites in specimens from distinct dog populations differed genetically from those in GenBank.