18th Meeting of the Irish Society of Human Genetics, Friday 4th September 2015 : Dublin City University
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Aims The Irish DNA Atlas is a DNA collection being assembled with the aim of describing the fine-scale population structure in Ireland. Understanding such structure can inform on optimal design of clinical genetic studies as well as the history of the Irish population. We will present an overview of and the preliminary findings from the study. Methods We are recruiting individuals with all eight greatgrandparents born in Ireland, within 30 kilometres of each other. Participants are asked to complete a detailed birth-brief, which records place and date of birth of three generations of ancestors. We also collect some basic health-related details. DNA is extracted from a saliva sample. We have genotyped using an Illumina OmniExpressdense SNP genotyping platform. We present a number of analyses designed to visualise genetic structure, including; Principle Component, ADMIXTURE, and Runs of Homozygosity analysis. Results To date we have recruited 162 participants. The mean great-grandparental area is 32 kilometres, with an average greatgrandparental date of birth of 1850. Therefore the individuals in the Atlas provide insight to the genetic landscape of Ireland before significant movement of people from the 20th century onwards. An analysis of dense genotyping data from 142participants shows that the Atlas participants cluster closely with British individuals in a Europe wide PCA, but present different ancestral population components when compared with British, and other European populations. Irish individuals also present slightly higher levels of homozygosity relative to mainland European levels. PCA targeted at specific areas of interest within Ireland also hint at fine-scale substructure. Conclusion Ireland shows typical features of a homogenous population, well suited to the study of rare variation in disease risk.
PROVIDER: S-EPMC4642251 | biostudies-literature | 2015 Oct
REPOSITORIES: biostudies-literature