Subgenual Cingulate-Amygdala Functional Disconnection and Vulnerability to Melancholic Depression.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: The syndromic heterogeneity of major depressive disorder (MDD) hinders understanding of the etiology of predisposing vulnerability traits and underscores the importance of identifying neurobiologically valid phenotypes. Distinctive fMRI biomarkers of vulnerability to MDD subtypes are currently lacking. This study investigated whether remitted melancholic MDD patients, who are at an elevated lifetime risk for depressive episodes, demonstrate distinctive patterns of resting-state connectivity with the subgenual cingulate cortex (SCC), known to be of core pathophysiological importance for severe and familial forms of MDD. We hypothesized that patterns of disrupted SCC connectivity would be a distinguishing feature of melancholia. A total of 63 medication-free remitted MDD (rMDD) patients (33 melancholic and 30 nonmelancholic) and 39 never-depressed healthy controls (HC) underwent resting-state fMRI scanning. SCC connectivity was investigated with closely connected bilateral a priori regions of interest (ROIs) relevant to MDD (anterior temporal, ventromedial prefrontal, dorsomedial prefrontal cortices, amygdala, hippocampus, septal region, and hypothalamus). Decreased (less positive) SCC connectivity with the right parahippocampal gyrus and left amygdala distinguished melancholic rMDD patients from the nonmelancholic rMDD and HC groups (cluster-based familywise error-corrected p⩽0.007 over individual a priori ROIs corresponding to approximate Bonferroni-corrected p⩽0.05 across all seven a priori ROIs). No areas demonstrating increased (more positive) connectivity were observed. Abnormally decreased connectivity of the SCC with the amygdala and parahippocampal gyrus distinguished melancholic from nonmelancholic rMDD. These results provide the first resting-state neural signature distinctive of melancholic rMDD and may reflect a subtype-specific primary vulnerability factor given a lack of association with the number of previous episodes.
Project description:AimApproximately one-third of patients with major depressive disorder develop treatment-resistant depression. One-third of patients with treatment-resistant depression demonstrate resistance to ketamine, which is a novel antidepressant effective for this disorder. The objective of this study was to examine the utility of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging for the prediction of treatment response to ketamine in treatment-resistant depression.MethodsAn exploratory seed-based resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging analysis was performed to examine baseline resting-state functional connectivity differences between ketamine responders and nonresponders before treatment with multiple intravenous ketamine infusions.ResultsFifteen patients with treatment-resistant depression received multiple intravenous subanesthetic (0.5 mg/kg/40 minutes) ketamine infusions, and nine were identified as responders. The exploratory resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging analysis identified a cluster of significant baseline resting-state functional connectivity differences associating ketamine response between the amygdala and subgenual anterior cingulate gyrus in the right hemisphere. Using anatomical region of interest analysis of the resting-state functional connectivity, ketamine response was predicted with 88.9% sensitivity and 100% specificity. The resting-state functional connectivity of significant group differences between responders and nonresponders retained throughout the treatment were considered a trait-like feature of heterogeneity in treatment-resistant depression.ConclusionThis study suggests the possible clinical utility of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging for predicting the antidepressant effects of ketamine in treatment-resistant depression patients and implicated resting-state functional connectivity alterations to determine the trait-like pathophysiology underlying treatment response heterogeneity in treatment-resistant depression.
Project description:Mounting evidence supports the rapid antidepressant efficacy of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist, ketamine, for treating major depressive disorder (MDD); however, its neural mechanism of action remains poorly understood. Subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (sgACC) hyper-activity during rest has been consistently implicated in the pathophysiology of MDD, potentially driven in part by excessive hippocampal gluatmatergic efferents to sgACC. Reduction of sgACC activity has been associated with successful antidepressant treatment. This study aimed to examine whether task-based sgACC activity was higher in patients with MDD compared to controls and to determine whether this activity was altered by single-dose ketamine. In Study 1, patients with MDD (N = 28) and healthy controls (N = 20) completed task-based functional magnetic resonance imaging using an established incentive-processing task. In Study 2, a second cohort of patients with MDD (N = 14) completed the same scanning protocol at baseline and following a 40 min infusion of ketamine (0.5 mg/kg). Task-based activation of sgACC was examined with a seed-driven analysis assessing group differences and changes from pre to post treatment. Patients with MDD showed higher sgACC activation to positive and negative monetary incentives compared to controls, associated with anhedonia and anxiety, respectively. In addition, patients with MDD had higher resting-state functional connectivity between hippocampus and sgACC, associated with sgACC hyper-activation to positive incentives, but not negative incentives. Finally, ketamine reduced sgACC hyper-activation to positive incentives, but not negative incentives. These findings suggest a neural mechanism by which ketamine exerts its antidepressant efficacy, via rapid blunting of aberrant sgACC hyper-reactivity to positive incentives.
Project description:CD38 genetic variation has been associated with autism spectrum disorders and social anxiety disorder, which may result from CD38's regulation of oxytocin secretion. Converging evidence has found that the rs3796863 A-allele contributes to increased social sensitivity compared to the CC genotype. The current study examined the moderating role of CD38 genetic variants (rs3796863 and rs6449182) that have been associated with enhanced (or reduced) social sensitivity on neural activation related to neuroticism, which is commonly elevated in individuals with social anxiety and depression. Adults (n = 72) with varying levels of social anxiety and depression provided biological samples for DNA extraction, completed a measure of neuroticism, and participated in a standardized emotion processing task (affect matching) while undergoing fMRI. A significant interaction effect was found for rs3796863 x neuroticism that predicted right amygdala-subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (sgACC) functional connectivity. Simple slopes analyses showed a positive association between neuroticism and right amygdala-sgACC connectivity among rs3796863 A-allele carriers. Findings suggest that the more socially sensitive rs3796863 A-allele may partially explain the relationship between a known risk factor (i.e. neuroticism) and promising biomarker (i.e. amygdala-sgACC connectivity) in the development and maintenance of social anxiety and depression.
Project description:Rodent fear-learning models posit that amygdala-infralimbic connections facilitate extinction while amygdala-prelimbic prefrontal connections mediate fear expression. Analogous amygdala-prefrontal circuitry between rodents and primates is not established. Using paired small volumes of neural tracers injected into the perigenual anterior cingulate cortex (pgACC; areas 24b and 32; a potential homologue to rodent prelimbic cortex) and subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (sgACC, areas 25 and 14c; a potential homologue to rodent infralimbic cortex) in a single hemisphere, we mapped amygdala projections to the pgACC and sgACC within single subjects. All injections resulted in dense retrograde labeling specifically within the intermediate division of the basal nucleus (Bi) and the magnocellular division of the accessory basal nucleus (ABmc). Areal analysis revealed a bias for connectivity with the sgACC, with the ABmc showing a greater bias than the Bi. Double fluorescence analysis revealed that sgACC and pgACC projections were intermingled within the Bi and ABmc, where a proportion were double labeled. We conclude that amygdala inputs to the ACC largely originate from the Bi and ABmc, preferentially connect to the sgACC, and that a subset collaterally project to both sgACC and pgACC. These findings advance our understanding of fear extinction and fear expression circuitry across species.
Project description:Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is used clinically for the treatment of depression. However, the antidepressant mechanism remains unknown and its therapeutic efficacy remains limited. Recent data suggest that some left DLPFC targets are more effective than others; however, the reasons for this heterogeneity and how to capitalize on this information remain unclear.Intrinsic (resting state) functional magnetic resonance imaging data from 98 normal subjects were used to compute functional connectivity with various left DLPFC TMS targets employed in the literature. Differences in functional connectivity related to differences in previously reported clinical efficacy were identified. This information was translated into a connectivity-based targeting strategy to identify optimized left DLPFC TMS coordinates. Results in normal subjects were tested for reproducibility in an independent cohort of 13 patients with depression.Differences in functional connectivity were related to previously reported differences in clinical efficacy across a distributed set of cortical and limbic regions. Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex TMS sites with better clinical efficacy were more negatively correlated (anticorrelated) with the subgenual cingulate. Optimum connectivity-based stimulation coordinates were identified in Brodmann area 46. Results were reproducible in patients with depression.Reported antidepressant efficacy of different left DLPFC TMS sites is related to the anticorrelation of each site with the subgenual cingulate, potentially lending insight into the antidepressant mechanism of TMS and suggesting a role for intrinsically anticorrelated networks in depression. These results can be translated into a connectivity-based targeting strategy for focal brain stimulation that might be used to optimize clinical response.
Project description:Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is characterized by poor emotion regulation. Rumination, a maladaptive strategy for dealing with negative emotions, is common in MDD, and is associated with impaired inhibition and cognitive inflexibility that may contribute to impaired emotion regulation abilities. However, it is unclear whether rumination is differently associated with emotion regulation in individuals with MDD history (MDD-ever) and healthy individuals. In this study, children (8-15 years old) performed a cognitive reappraisal task in which they attempted to decrease their emotional response to sad images during fMRI scanning. Functional connectivity (FC) between both the amygdala and subgenual anterior cingulate (sACC) increased with cortical control regions during reappraisal as rumination increased in MDD-ever, while connectivity between those regions decreased during reappraisal as rumination increased in healthy controls. As the role of cortical control regions is to down-regulate activity of emotion processing regions during reappraisal, this suggests that rumination in MDD-ever, but not controls, is associated with inefficient regulation. This finding suggests that rumination may be particularly associated with poor emotion regulation in MDD-ever, and may also indicate qualitative group differences in whether rumination is maladaptive. These differences in rumination may provide important insight into depressive risk and potential avenues for treatment.
Project description:Newborns and infants communicate their needs and physiological states through crying and emotional facial expressions. Little is known about individual differences in responding to infant crying. Several theories suggest that people vary in their environmental sensitivity with some responding generally more and some generally less to environmental stimuli. Such differences in environmental sensitivity have been associated with personality traits, including neuroticism. This study investigated whether neuroticism impacts neuronal, physiological, and emotional responses to infant crying by investigating blood-oxygenation-level dependent (BOLD) responses using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in a large sample of healthy women (N = 102) with simultaneous skin conductance recordings. Participants were repeatedly exposed to a video clip that showed crying infants and emotional responses (valence, arousal, and irritation) were assessed after every video clip presentation. Increased BOLD signal during the perception of crying infants was found in brain regions that are associated with emotional responding, the amygdala and anterior insula. Significant BOLD signal decrements (i.e., habituation) were found in the fusiform gyrus, middle temporal gyrus, superior temporal gyrus, Broca's homologue on the right hemisphere, (laterobasal) amygdala, and hippocampus. Individuals with high neuroticism showed stronger activation in the amygdala and subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (sgACC) when exposed to infant crying compared to individuals with low neuroticism. In contrast to our prediction we found no evidence that neuroticism impacts fMRI-based measures of habituation. Individuals with high neuroticism showed elevated skin conductance responses, experienced more irritation, and perceived infant crying as more unpleasant. The results support the hypothesis that individuals high in neuroticism are more emotionally responsive, experience more negative emotions, and may show enhanced cognitive control during the exposure to infant distress, which may impact infant-directed behavior.
Project description:BackgroundVery few studies have been performed to understand the underlying neural substrates of adolescent major depressive disorder (MDD). Studies in depressed adults have demonstrated that the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (sgACC) plays a pivotal role in depression and have revealed aberrant patterns of resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC). Here, we examine the RSFC of the sgACC in medication-naïve first-episode adolescents with MDD.MethodsTwenty-three adolescents with MDD and 36 well-matched control subjects underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging to assess the RSFC of the sgACC.ResultsWe observed elevated connectivity between the sgACC and the insula and between the sgACC and the amygdala in the MDD group compared with the control subjects. Decreased connectivity between the sgACC and the precuneus was also found in the MDD group relative to the control subjects. Within the MDD group, higher levels of depression significantly correlated with decreased connectivity between the sgACC and left precuneus. Increased rumination was significantly associated with reduced connectivity between sgACC and the middle and inferior frontal gyri in the MDD group.ConclusionsOur study is the first to examine sgACC connectivity in medication-naïve first-episode adolescents with MDD compared with well-matched control participants. Our results suggest aberrant functional connectivity among the brain networks responsible for salience attribution, executive control, and the resting-state in the MDD group compared with the control participants. Our findings raise the possibility that therapeutic interventions that can restore the functional connectivity among these networks to that typical of healthy adolescents might be a fruitful avenue for future research.
Project description:BackgroundThe dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is the standard stimulation target for the repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) treatment of major depression disorder (MDD). A retrospective study by Fox and colleagues found that a more negative resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (RS-fMRI) functional connectivity (FC) between left DLPFC and the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (sgACC) in a large group of healthy participants is associated with a better curative effects of rTMS in MDD, suggesting that the sgACC may be an effective region. However, a recent meta-analysis on RS-fMRI studies found that the pregenual ACC (pgACC), rather than the sgACC, of MDD patients showed increased local activity.MethodsWe used the stimulation coordinates in the left DLPFC analyzed by Fox et al. to perform RS-fMRI FC between the stimulation targets obtained from previous rTMS MDD studies and the potential effective regions (sgACC and pgACC, respectively) on the RS-fMRI data from 88 heathy participants.Results(a) Both the pgACC and the sgACC were negatively connected to the left DLPFC; (b) both FCs of sgACC-DLPFC and pgACC-DLPFC were more negative in responders than in nonresponders; and (c) the associations between DLPFC-sgACC functional connectivity and clinical efficacy were clustered around the midline sgACC.ConclusionsBoth the pgACC and the sgACC may be potential effective regions for rTMS on the left DLPFC for treatment of MDD. However, individualized ACC-DLPFC FC-based rTMS on depression should be performed in the future to test the pgACC or the sgACC as effective regions.
Project description:Social deficits in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are linked to amygdala functioning and functional connection between the amygdala and subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (sACC) is involved in the modulation of amygdala activity. Impairments in behavioral symptoms and amygdala activation and connectivity with the sACC seem to vary by serotonin transporter-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) variant genotype in diverse populations. The current preliminary investigation examines whether amygdala-sACC connectivity differs by 5-HTTLPR genotype and relates to social functioning in ASD. A sample of 108 children and adolescents (44 ASD) completed an fMRI face-processing task. Youth with ASD and low expressing 5-HTTLPR genotypes showed significantly greater connectivity than youth with ASD and higher expressing genotypes as well as typically developing (TD) individuals with both low and higher expressing genotypes, in the comparison of happy vs. baseline faces and happy vs. neutral faces. Moreover, individuals with ASD and higher expressing genotypes exhibit a negative relationship between amygdala-sACC connectivity and social dysfunction. Altered amygdala-sACC coupling based on 5-HTTLPR genotype may help explain some of the heterogeneity in neural and social function observed in ASD. This is the first ASD study to combine genetic polymorphism analyses and functional connectivity in the context of a social task.