
Dataset Information


Premature coronary artery disease in India: coronary artery disease in the young (CADY) registry.



Coronary artery disease (CAD) occurs at younger age in India but only a limited number of studies have evaluated risk factors and management status. This is a multisite observational registry to assess risk factors and treatment patterns in young patients presenting with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and stable ischemic heart disease (IHD).


We recruited 997 young patients (men <55, women <65y) presenting with ACS or stable IHD successively at 22 centers across India. Details of baseline risk factors and management status were obtained. Descriptive statistics are reported.


Mean age of participants was 49.1±8y, 72% were men and 68% had ACS. Family history of CAD was in 50%, diabetes 44%, hypertension 49%, history of dyslipidemia 11%, smoking/tobacco use 39%, and sedentary habits in 20%. 1.3% had "possible familial hypercholesterolemia". Metabolic risk factors (high BMI, diabetes and hypertension) were significantly greater in women (p<0.01). Women were older at diagnosis of CAD and presented more often with non-ST elevation ACS. In the study cohort antiplatelet use was in 85%, beta-blockers 38%, statins 63% and ACE inhibitors/ARBs in 41% while in ACS patients it was 80.5%, 54.6%, 80.8% and 40.8%, respectively. 35.9% patients underwent percutaneous coronary intervention while coronary bypass surgery was performed in 10.4%.


Conventional risk factors including family history continue to play a pivotal role in premature CAD in Indians. Women have more of metabolic risk factors, present at a later age and have non-ST elevation ACS more often. There is a need to focus on improving use of evidence-based drug therapies and interventions.


PROVIDER: S-EPMC5414957 | biostudies-literature |

REPOSITORIES: biostudies-literature

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