ABSTRACT: The glucose/mannose-phosphotransferase system (PTS) permease EIIMan encoded by manLMN in the dental caries pathogen Streptococcus mutans has a dominant influence on sugar-specific, CcpA-independent catabolite repression (CR). Mutations in manL affect energy metabolism and virulence-associated traits, including biofilm formation, acid tolerance, and competence. Using promoter::reporter fusions, expression of the manLMN and the fruRKI operons, encoding a transcriptional regulator, a fructose-1-phosphate kinase and a fructose-PTS permease EIIFru, respectively, was monitored in response to carbohydrate source and in mutants lacking CcpA, FruR, and components of EIIMan Expression of genes for EIIMan and EIIFru was directly regulated by CcpA and CR, as evinced by in vivo and in vitro methods. Unexpectedly, not only was the fruRKI operon negatively regulated by FruR, but also so was manLMN Carbohydrate transport by EIIMan had a negative influence on expression of manLMN but not fruRKI In agreement with the proposed role of FruR in regulating these PTS operons, loss of fruR or fruK substantially altered growth on a number of carbohydrates, including fructose. RNA deep sequencing revealed profound changes in gene regulation caused by deletion of fruK or fruR Collectively, these findings demonstrate intimate interconnection of the regulation of two major PTS permeases in S. mutans and reveal novel and important contributions of fructose metabolism to global regulation of gene expression.IMPORTANCE The ability of Streptococcus mutans and other streptococcal pathogens to survive and cause human diseases is directly dependent upon their capacity to metabolize a variety of carbohydrates, including glucose and fructose. Our research reveals that metabolism of fructose has broad influences on the regulation of utilization of glucose and other sugars, and mutants with changes in certain genes involved in fructose metabolism display profoundly different abilities to grow and express virulence-related traits. Mutants lacking the FruR regulator or a particular phosphofructokinase, FruK, display changes in expression of a large number of genes encoding transcriptional regulators, enzymes required for energy metabolism, biofilm development, biosynthetic and degradative processes, and tolerance of a spectrum of environmental stressors. Since fructose is a major component of the modern human diet, the results have substantial significance in the context of oral health and the development of dental caries.