
Dataset Information


Dataset reporting the perceiver identification rates of basic emotions expressed by male, female and ambiguous gendered walkers in full-light, point-light and synthetically modelled point-light walkers.

ABSTRACT: This data set describes the experimental data collected and reported in the research article "Walking my way? Walker gender and display format confounds the perception of specific emotions" (Halovic and Kroos, in press) [1]. The data set represent perceiver identification rates for different emotions (happiness, sadness, anger, fear and neutral), as displayed by full-light, point-light and synthetic point-light walkers. The perceiver identification scores have been transformed into Ht rates, which represent proportions/percentages of correct identifications above what would be expected by chance. This data set also provides Ht rates separately for male, female and ambiguously gendered walkers.


PROVIDER: S-EPMC5684099 | biostudies-literature |

REPOSITORIES: biostudies-literature

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