Neodendryphiella, a novel genus of the Dictyosporiaceae (Pleosporales).
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: In a survey of soil and herbivore dung microfungi in Mexico and Spain, several dendryphiella-like species were found. Phylogenetic analyses based on ITS and LSU sequences showed that these fungi belonged to the family Dictyosporiaceae (Pleosporales) and represent an undescribed monophyletic lineage distant from Dendryphiella. Therefore, the genus Neodendryphiella is proposed to accommodate three new species, N.mali, N.michoacanensis and N.tarraconensis. The novel genus shares morphological features with Dendryphiella such as differentiated conidiophores and polytretic integrated conidiogenous cells, that produce acropetal branched chains of conidia. Neodendryphiella differs in the absence of nodulose conidiophores bearing conidiogenous cells with pores surrounded by a thickened and darkened wall, typical features in the conidiogenous apparatus of Dendryphiella. In addition, the phylogenetic and morphological analysis of several reference strains of different Dendryphiella species, available for comparison, support the proposal of D.variabilissp. nov., which mainly differs from the other species of the genus by having conidia up to 7 septa and highlight that D.vinosa and D.infuscans are obscure species that require further taxonomic review.
SUBMITTER: Iturrieta-Gonzalez I
PROVIDER: S-EPMC6108305 | biostudies-literature | 2018
REPOSITORIES: biostudies-literature