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Prevalence of Pain Diagnoses and Burden of Pain Among Active Duty Soldiers, FY2012.

ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION:Soldiers are at risk for acute and chronic pain due to the mental and physical challenges of military duties and ongoing training for force readiness. With the burden of pain on any individual attributable across pain sources, a broad perspective that goes beyond prior characterizations of pain is important. We aim to further the understanding of pain's effects among non-deployed active duty soldiers and the Military Health System (MHS), by describing prevalence of 10 painful conditions, reported pain levels, duration of pain and impact of pain on military duty limitations. METHODS:Data are from the MHS Data Repository including outpatient MHS direct care encounters, claims for outpatient purchased care from civilian providers, and vital records, for all soldiers continuously enrolled in TRICARE and not deployed in FY 2012. Ten pain-related diagnostic categories were conceptually derived for this analysis and identified using ICD-9-CM diagnostic codes. We report the FY 2012 prevalence at the soldier-level (N = 297,120) for each pain category as a primary diagnosis, as well as in any diagnostic position, and at the soldier-level for reported pain level, duration, and military duty limitations. Institutional Review Board approval was obtained prior to analyses. RESULTS:Overall, 63% of soldiers had at least one pain diagnosis and 59% had a primary pain diagnosis during FY 2012. Back and neck pain (22%), non-traumatic joint disorders (28%), and other musculoskeletal pain (30%) were the most frequent categories for primary diagnosis. Nearly two-thirds of soldiers had a primary pain diagnosis in more than one category, and 23% in four or more categories. Moderate or severe pain levels were reported at least once during the year by 55% of soldiers who had a primary pain diagnosis. In the subsample of soldiers with primary pain in the first quarter, duration and chronicity of pain diagnoses varied by pain category: the back and neck pain category was the most common for both persistent pain occurring in each quarter of FY 2012 (23%) and chronic pain lasting for at least 3 mo (62%). In most pain categories, the majority of soldiers were released without duty limitations. CONCLUSION:These data provide a deeper understanding of pain diagnoses and burden of pain among active duty soldiers. A substantial proportion of soldiers with pain diagnoses were seen for pain self-reported as only mild, or that did not result in significant restrictions in military duty limitations. However, given the prevalence of multiple pain diagnoses and common reports of moderate or severe pain and long duration, complex interventions may be required to minimize the effect of pain on force readiness. This encounters-based analysis is likely an underestimate of presence of pain, and does not include contextual factors that could better describe the true effect of pain among this population.


PROVIDER: S-EPMC6115865 | biostudies-literature |

REPOSITORIES: biostudies-literature

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