Symbiotic cornucopia of the monophagous planthopper Ommatidiotus dissimilis (Fallen, 1806) (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Caliscelidae).
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: In contrast to Cicadomorpha, in which numerous symbiotic bacteria have been identified and characterized, the symbionts of fulgoromorphans are poorly known. Here, we present the results of histological, ultrastructural, and molecular analyses of the symbiotic system of the planthopper Ommatidiotus dissimilis. Amplification, cloning, and sequencing of bacterial 16S RNA genes have revealed that O. dissimilis is host to five types of bacteria. Apart from bacteria Sulcia and Vidania, which are regarded as ancestral symbionts of Fulgoromorpha, three additional types of bacteria belonging to the genera Sodalis, Wolbachia, and Rickettsia have been detected. Histological and ultrastructural investigations have shown that bacteria Sulcia, Vidania, and Sodalis house separate bacteriocytes, whereas bacteria Wolbachia and Rickettsia are dispersed within various insect tissue. Additionally, bacteria belonging to the genus Vidania occupy the bacteriome localized in the lumen of the hindgut. Both molecular and microscopic analyses have revealed that all the symbionts are transovarially transmitted between generations.
Project description:Two new species of the Chinese caliscelid planthopper genus Bambusicaliscelis Chen & Zhang, 2011, B.bibulbussp. nov. from Fujian Province and B.clavatussp. nov. from Jiangxi Province, are described and illustrated. The genus now known to include six described species. A checklist and identification key to Bambusicaliscelis species are provided.
Project description:Here, the complete mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) of 12 Caliscelidae species, Augilina tetraina, Augilina triaina, Symplana brevistrata, Symplana lii, Neosymplana vittatum, Pseudosymplanella nigrifasciata, Symplanella brevicephala, Symplanella unipuncta, Augilodes binghami, Cylindratus longicephalus, Caliscelis shandongensis, and Peltonotellus sp., were determined and comparatively analyzed. The genomes varied from 15,424 to 16,746 bp in size, comprising 37 mitochondrial genes and an A+T-rich region. The typical gene content and arrangement were similar to those of most Fulgoroidea species. The nucleotide compositions of the mitogenomes were biased toward A/T. All protein-coding genes (PCGs) started with a canonical ATN or GTG codon and ended with TAN or an incomplete stop codon, single T. Among 13 PCGs in 16 reported Caliscelidae mitogenomes, cox1 and atp8 showed the lowest and highest nucleotide diversity, respectively. All PCGs evolved under purifying selection, with atp8 considered a comparatively fast-evolving gene. Phylogenetic relationships were reconstructed based on 13 PCGs in 16 Caliscelidae species and five outgroups using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses. All species of Caliscelidae formed a steadily monophyletic group with high support. Peltonotellini was present at the basal position of the phylogenetic tree. Augilini was the sister group to Caliscelini and Peltonotellini.
Project description:To explore the differences in mitogenome variation and phylogenetics among lineages of the Hemiptera superfamily Fulgoroidea, we sequenced four new mitogenomes of Caliscelidae: two species of the genus Bambusicaliscelis (Caliscelinae: Caliscelini), namely Bambusicaliscelis flavus and B. fanjingensis, and two species of the genus Youtuus (Ommatidiotinae: Augilini), namely Youtuus strigatus and Y. erythrus. The four mitogenomes were 15,922-16,640 bp (base pair) in length, with 37 mitochondrial genes and an AT-rich region. Gene content and arrangement were similar to those of most other sequenced hexapod mitogenomes. All protein-coding genes (PCGs) started with a canonical ATN or GTG and ended with TAA or an incomplete stop codon single T. Except for two transfer RNAs (tRNAs; trnS1 and trnV) lacking a dihydrouridine arm in the four species and trnC lacking a dihydrouridine stem in the Youtuus species, the remaining tRNAs could fold into canonical cloverleaf secondary structures. Phylogenetic analyses based on sequence data of 13 PCGs in the 28 Fulgoroidea species and two outgroups revealed that Delphacidae was monophyletic with strong support. Our data suggest that Fulgoridae is more ancient than Achilidae. Furthermore, Flatidae, Issidae, and Ricaniidae always cluster to form a sister group to Caliscelidae.
Project description:Chinese species in the genus Nycheuma Fennah, 1964a (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Delphacidae: Delphacinae: Delphacini) are revised to include three species: Nycheumacognatum (Muir, 1917), Nycheumadimorpha (Matsumura, 1910) and Nycheumanilotica Linnavuori, 1973. Nycheumacoctum Yang, 1989 is placed in synonymy with Nycheumanilotica Linnavuori, 1973. Nycheumadimorpha (Matsumura, 1910) is newly recorded from China. The generic characteristics are redefined. The main morphological characters, male genitalia of 3 species are described or redescribed and illustrated. A key to Chinese species in the genus is provided.
Project description:The planthopper genus Neodurium Fennah is reviewed and Neoduriumfennahi Chang & Chen, sp. n. (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae) from China (Yunnan), is described and illustrated. A checklist of the species of Neodurium is given and a key provided for their separation. The female genitalia of Neodurium species are described for the first time.
Project description:New replacement names are proposed for two genera of the family Dictyopharidae (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha). The following changes are proposed: Neonotostrophia nom. n. for Notostrophia Emeljanov (not Waterhouse); Emeljanovina nom. n. for Glochina Emeljanov (not Meigen); Neonotostrophia nigrosuturalis (Melichar, 1912) comb. n. from Notostrophia nigrosuturalis (Melichar, 1912) = Dictyophara nigrosuturalis Melichar, 1912 and Emeljanovina dixoni (Distant, 1906) comb. n. from Glochina dixoni (Distant, 1906) = Dictyophara dixoni Distant, 1906.
Project description:The planthopper genus Lacusa Stål, 1862 is reviewed. All species are illustrated and male genital characters are provided, and including two new species: L. digitata sp. n. and L. producta sp. n. from Yunnan Province, China. The species L. orientalis Liang, 2000 is removed from this genus based on the frons with median carina and fore femur and tibia flattened but not foliaceous. A key to species is also given. The type specimens of the new species are deposited in the Institute of Entomology, Guizhou University, Guiyang, China (GUGC).
Project description:Three new species of the Oriental caliscelid planthopper genus Symplanella Fennah, S. hainanensis sp. n., S. recurvata sp. n. and S. zhongtua sp. n., are described and illustrated from South China. A checklist and a key to species of genus Symplanella are provided.
Project description:The first complete mitochondrial genome of a dictyopharid planthopper, Orthopagus splendens (Germar, 1830) (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Dictyopharidae) is sequenced. The 15,349 bp long complete mitogenome contains 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 tRNA genes, two rRNA genes, and 1 A + T-rich region with an arrangement identical to that observed in most insect mitogenomes (GenBankNo. MW441850). All PCGs start with ATN, and end with TAN or single T (nad1, nad5, and atp6). A phylogenetic analysis places O. splendens as sister to Fulgoridae confirming a sister relationship between Dictyopharidae and Fulgoridae.