A Set of 20 New SSR Markers Developed and Evaluated in Mandevilla Lindl.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Mandevilla is an ornamental crop with a bright future worldwide because of its high commercial acceptance and added value. However, as with most ornamental species, there are few molecular tools to support cultivar breeding and innovation. In this work, we report the development and analysis of 20 new Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) markers in Mandevilla. Microsatellites were isolated from two enriched small-insert genomic libraries of Mandevilla × amabilis. The diversity parameters estimated after their amplification in a group of 11 commercial genotypes illustrate the effect of two opposite drifts: the high relatedness of cultivars belonging to the same commercial group and the high divergence of other cultivars, especially M. × amabilis. Based on their different band patterns, six genotypes were uniquely distinguished, and two groups of sport mutations remained undistinguishable. The amplification of the SSRs in three wild species suggested the existence of unexploited diversity available to be introgressed into the commercial pool. This is the first report of available microsatellites in Mandevilla. The development process has provided some clues concerning the genome structure of the species, and the SSRs obtained will help to create new products and to protect existing and upcoming plant innovations.
PROVIDER: S-EPMC6274059 | biostudies-literature | 2016 Sep
REPOSITORIES: biostudies-literature