
Dataset Information


Crystal structures of butyl 2-amino-5-hy-droxy-4-(4-nitro-phen-yl)benzo-furan-3-carboxyl-ate and 2-meth-oxy-ethyl 2-amino-5-hy-droxy-4-(4-nitro-phen-yl)benzo-furan-3-carboxyl-ate.

ABSTRACT: The title benzo-furan derivatives 2-amino-5-hy-droxy-4-(4-nitro-phen-yl)benzo-furan-3-carboxyl-ate (BF1), C19H18N2O6, and 2-meth-oxy-ethyl 2-amino-5-hy-droxy-4-(4-nitro-phen-yl)benzo-furan-3-carboxyl-ate (BF2), C18H16N2O7, recently attracted attention because of their promising anti-tumoral activity. BF1 crystallizes in the space group P . BF2 in the space group P21/c. The nitro-phenyl group is inclined to benzo-furan moiety with a dihedral angle between their mean planes of 69.2 (2)° in BF1 and 60.20 (6)° in BF2. A common feature in the mol-ecular structures of BF1 and BF2 is the intra-molecular N-H⋯Ocarbon-yl hydrogen bond. In the crystal of BF1, the mol-ecules are linked head-to-tail into a one-dimensional hydrogen-bonding pattern along the a-axis direction. In BF2, pairs of head-to-tail hydrogen-bonded chains of mol-ecules along the b-axis direction are linked by O-H⋯Ometh-oxy hydrogen bonds. In BF1, the butyl group is disordered over two orientations with occupancies of 0.557 (13) and 0.443 (13).


PROVIDER: S-EPMC6658937 | biostudies-literature |

REPOSITORIES: biostudies-literature

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