Project description:Cholinergic bronchoconstriction is mediated by M(2) and M(3) muscarinic receptors (MR). In heart and urinary bladder, MR are linked to caveolin-1 or -3, the structural proteins of caveolae. Caveolae are cholesterol-rich, omega-shaped invaginations of the plasma membrane. They provide a scaffold for multiple G protein receptors and membrane-bound enzymes, thereby orchestrating signaling into the cell interior. Hence, we hypothesized that airway MR signaling pathways are coupled to caveolae as well. To address this issue, we determined the distribution of caveolin isoforms and MR subtype M2R in murine and human airways and investigated protein-protein associations by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) analysis in immunolabeled murine tissue sections. Bronchoconstrictor responses of murine bronchi were recorded in lung-slice preparations before and after caveolae disruption by methyl-β-cyclodextrin, with efficiency of this treatment being validated by electron microscopy. KCl-induced bronchoconstriction was unaffected after treatment, demonstrating functional integrity of the smooth muscle. Caveolae disruption decreased muscarine-induced bronchoconstriction in wild-type and abolished it in M2R(-/-) and M3R(-/-) mice. Thus M2R and M3R signaling pathways require intact caveolae. Furthermore, we identified a presumed skeletal and cardiac myocyte-specific caveolin isoform, caveolin-3, in human and murine bronchial smooth muscle and found it to be associated with M2R in situ. In contrast, M2R was not associated with caveolin-1, despite an in situ association of caveolin-1 and caveolin-3 that was detected. Here, we demonstrated that M2R- and M3R-mediated bronchoconstriction is caveolae-dependent. Since caveolin-3 is directly associated with M2R, we suggest caveolin-3 as novel regulator of M2R-mediated signaling.
Project description:Enteric neural dysfunction leads to increased mucous production and dysmotility in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Prior studies have shown that tissue eosinophilia is related to disease activity. We hypothesized that interactions between eosinophils and nerves contribute to neural dysfunction in IBD. Tissue from patients with intractable IBD, endoscopic biopsies from patients with steroid responsive IBD, both when active and quiescent, and control tissue were studied. Immunohistochemical studies showed that eosinophils localize to nerves in the mucosal layer of patients with Crohn's disease (CD) (p<0.001) and ulcerative colitis (UC), (p<0.01). Eosinophils localized to substance P and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunostained nerves. Real time PCR of laser capture micro-dissected enteric ganglia demonstrated Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1 (ICAM-1) mRNA was increased 7-fold in UC (n = 4), (p = 0.03), and 10-fold in CD (n = 3), (p = 0.05). Compared with controls, eotaxin-3 (CCL-26) mRNA was increased 9-fold in UC (p = 0.04) and 15-fold in CD (p = 0.06). Eosinophil numbers correlated with disease activity, while deposition of major basic protein (MBP) and eosinophil Transforming Growth Factor β-1 (TGFβ-1) expression were seen in therapeutically responsive disease. These data indicate a significant localization of eosinophils to nerves in IBD, mediated through neurally expressed ICAM-1 and eotaxin-3. This cell/neural interaction may influence the function of nerves and contribute to symptoms in IBD.
Project description:Secretagogin (SCGN) which acts as a calcium signaling sensor, has previously been shown to be expressed by a substantial population of cortical GABAergic neurons at mid-gestation in humans but not in mice. The present study traced SCGN expression in cortical GABAergic neurons in human fetal forebrain from earlier stages than previously studied. Multiple potential origins of SCGN-expressing neurons were identified in the caudal ganglionic eminence (CGE) lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE) septum and preoptic area; these cells largely co-expressed SP8 but not the medial ganglionic eminence marker LHX6. They followed various migration routes to reach their target regions in the neocortex, insular and olfactory cortex (OC) and olfactory bulbs. A robust increase in the number of SCGN-expressing GABAergic cortical neurons was observed in the midgestational period; 58% of DLX2+ neurons expressed SCGN in the cortical wall at 19 post-conceptional weeks (PCW), a higher proportion than expressed calretinin, a marker for GABAergic neurons of LGE/CGE origin. Furthermore, although most SCGN+ neurons co-expressed calretinin in the cortical plate (CP) and deeper layers, in the marginal zone (MZ) SCGN+ and calretinin+ cells formed separate populations. In the adult mouse, it has previously been shown that in the rostral migratory stream (RMS), SCGN, annexin V (ANXA5), and matrix metalloprotease 2 (MMP2) are co-expressed forming a functioning complex that exocytoses MMP2 in response to calcium. In the present study, ANXA5 showed widespread expression throughout the cortical wall, although MMP2 expression was very largely limited to the CP. We found co-expression of these proteins in some SCGN+ neurons in the subventricular zones (SVZ) suggesting a limited role for these cells in remodeling the extracellular matrix, perhaps during cell migration.
Project description:The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 1 in 323 infants have cerebral palsy. Highly correlated to intrauterine infection and inflammation, the incidence of cerebral palsy has remained constant over the last few decades despite significant advances in neonatal intensive care including improved ventilator techniques, surfactant therapy, maternal steroid administration, and use of intrapartum empiric antimicrobials. Recent advances in our understanding of immune responses to infection and inflammation have identified the cytokine IL-17A as a crucial component of early proinflammatory mediators that cause brain injury associated with neurologic impairment. Remarkably, maternal inflammatory responses to in utero inflammation and infection can also lead to potentially debilitating neurologic conditions in the offspring, which often become clinically apparent during childhood and/or early adulthood. This review details the role of IL-17A in fetal and maternal proinflammatory responses that lead to fetal brain injury and neurologic sequelae, including cerebral palsy. Recent findings regarding the role of maternal inflammatory responses in the development of childhood and adult neurologic conditions, such as autism, schizophrenia, and multiple sclerosis, will also be highlighted.
Project description:Pneumocystis pneumonia remains a common opportunistic infection in the diverse immunosuppressed population. One clear risk factor for susceptibility to Pneumocystis is a declining CD4(+) T cell count in the setting of HIV/AIDS or primary immunodeficiency. Non-HIV-infected individuals taking immunosuppressive drug regimens targeting T cell activation are also susceptible. Given the crucial role of CD4(+) T cells in host defense against Pneumocystis, we used RNA sequencing of whole lung early in infection in wild-type and CD4-depleted animals as an unbiased approach to examine mechanisms of fungal clearance. In wild-type mice, a strong eosinophil signature was observed at day 14 post Pneumocystis challenge, and eosinophils were increased in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of wild-type mice. Furthermore, eosinophilopoiesis-deficient Gata1(tm6Sho)/J mice were more susceptible to Pneumocystis infection when compared with BALB/c controls, and bone marrow-derived eosinophils had in vitro Pneumocystis killing activity. To drive eosinophilia in vivo, Rag1(-/-) mice were treated with a plasmid expressing IL-5 (pIL5) or an empty plasmid control via hydrodynamic injection. The pIL5-treated mice had increased serum IL-5 and eosinophilia in the lung, as well as reduced Pneumocystis burden, compared with mice treated with control plasmid. In addition, pIL5 treatment could induce eosinophilia and reduce Pneumocystis burden in CD4-depleted C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice, but not eosinophilopoiesis-deficient Gata1(tm6Sho)/J mice. Taken together, these results demonstrate that an early role of CD4(+) T cells is to recruit eosinophils to the lung and that eosinophils are a novel candidate for future therapeutic development in the treatment of Pneumocystis pneumonia in the immunosuppressed population.
Project description:BackgroundCongenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a congenital anomaly with high mortality and morbidity mainly due to pulmonary hypoplasia and hypertension. Temporary fetal tracheal occlusion to promote prenatal lung growth may improve survival. Entrapment of lung fluid stretches the airways, leading to lung growth.MethodsFetal endoluminal tracheal occlusion (FETO) is performed by percutaneous sono-endoscopic insertion of a balloon developed for interventional radiology. Reversal of the occlusion to induce lung maturation can be performed by fetoscopy, transabdominal puncture, tracheoscopy, or by postnatal removal if all else fails.ResultsFETO and balloon removal have been shown safe in experienced hands. This paper deals with the technical aspects of balloon insertion and removal. While FETO is invasive, it has minimal maternal risks yet can cause preterm birth potentially offsetting its beneficial effects.ConclusionFor left-sided severe and moderate CDH, the procedure is considered investigational and is currently being evaluated in a global randomized clinical trial ( The procedure can be clinically offered to fetuses with severe right-sided CDH.
Project description:Sexual dimorphism is a powerful yet understudied factor that influences the timing and efficiency of gene regulation in axonal injury and repair processes in the peripheral nervous system. Here, we identified common and distinct biological processes in female and male degenerating (distal) nerve stumps based on a snapshot of transcriptional reprogramming 24 h after axotomy reflecting the onset of early phase Wallerian degeneration (WD). Females exhibited transcriptional downregulation of a larger number of genes than males. RhoGDI, ERBB, and ERK5 signaling pathways increased activity in both sexes. Males upregulated genes and canonical pathways that exhibited robust baseline expression in females in both axotomized and sham nerves, including signaling pathways controlled by neuregulin and nerve growth factors. Cholesterol biosynthesis, reelin signaling, and synaptogenesis signaling pathways were downregulated in females. Signaling by Rho Family GTPases, cAMP-mediated signaling, and sulfated glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis were downregulated in both sexes. Estrogens potentially influenced sex-dependent injury response due to distinct regulation of estrogen receptor expression. A crosstalk of cytokines and growth hormones could promote sexually dimorphic transcriptional responses. We highlighted prospective regulatory activities due to protein phosphorylation, extracellular proteolysis, sex chromosome-specific expression, major urinary proteins (MUPs), and genes involved in thyroid hormone metabolism. Combined with our earlier findings in the corresponding dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and regenerating (proximal) nerve stumps, sex-specific and universal early phase molecular triggers of WD enrich our knowledge of transcriptional regulation in peripheral nerve injury and repair.
Project description:During the differentiation of the mammalian embryonic testis, two compartments are defined: the testis cords and the interstitium. The testis cords give rise to the adult seminiferous tubules, whereas steroidogenic Leydig cells and other less well characterized cell types differentiate in the interstitium (the space between testis cords). Although the process of testis cord formation is essential for male development, it is not entirely understood. It has been viewed as a Sertoli-cell driven process, but growing evidence suggests that interstitial cells play an essential role during testis formation. However, little is known about the origin of the interstitium or the molecular and cellular diversity within this early stromal compartment. To better understand the process of mammalian gonad differentiation, we have undertaken an analysis of developing interstitial/stromal cells in the early mouse testis and ovary. We have discovered molecular heterogeneity in the interstitium and have characterized new markers of distinct cell types in the gonad: MAFB, C-MAF, and VCAM1. Our results show that at least two distinct progenitor lineages give rise to the interstitial/stromal compartment of the gonad: the coelomic epithelium and specialized cells along the gonad-mesonephros border. We demonstrate that both these populations give rise to interstitial precursors that can differentiate into fetal Leydig cells. Our analysis also reveals that perivascular cells migrate into the gonad from the mesonephric border along with endothelial cells and that these vessel-associated cells likely represent an interstitial precursor lineage. This study highlights the cellular diversity of the interstitial cell population and suggests that complex cell-cell interactions among cells in the interstitium are involved in testis morphogenesis.
Project description:The Barker hypothesis states that low birth weight (BW) is associated with higher risk of adult onset diseases, including mental disorders like schizophrenia, major depressive disorder (MDD), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The main criticism of this hypothesis is that evidence for it comes from observational studies. Specifically, observational evidence does not suffice for inferring causality, because the associations might reflect the effects of confounders. Mendelian randomization (MR) - a novel method that tests causality on the basis of genetic data - creates the unprecedented opportunity to probe the causality in the association between BW and mental disorders in observation studies. We used MR and summary statistics from recent large genome-wide association studies to test whether the association between BW and MDD, schizophrenia and ADHD is causal. We employed the inverse variance weighted (IVW) method in conjunction with several other approaches that are robust to possible assumption violations. MR-Egger was used to rule out horizontal pleiotropy. IVW showed that the association between BW and MDD, schizophrenia and ADHD is not causal (all p > .05). The results of all the other MR methods were similar and highly consistent. MR-Egger provided no evidence for pleiotropic effects biasing the estimates of the effects of BW on MDD (intercept = -0.004, SE = 0.005, p = .372), schizophrenia (intercept = 0.003, SE = 0.01, p = .769), or ADHD (intercept = 0.009, SE = 0.01, p = .357). Based on the current evidence, we refute the Barker hypothesis concerning the fetal origins of adult mental disorders. The discrepancy between our results and the results from observational studies may be explained by the effects of confounders in the observational studies, or by the existence of a small causal effect not detected in our study due to weak instruments. Our power analyses suggested that the upper bound for a potential causal effect of BW on mental disorders would likely not exceed an odds ratio of 1.2.