ABSTRACT: The continued investigation of the middle Miocene palynoflora from the Lavanttal Basin reveals numerous additional angiosperm taxa. The Myrtales to Ericales pollen record documented here comprises 46 different taxa belonging to Onagraceae (Ludwigia), Ericaceae (Craigia, Reevesia, Tilia), Anacardiaceae (Pistacia), Rutaceae (Zanthoxylum), Sapindaceae (Acer), Santalaceae (Arceuthobium), Amaranthaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Polygonaceae (Persicaria, Rumex), Cornaceae (Alangium, Cornus, Nyssa), Ebenaceae (Diospyros), Ericaceae (Andromeda, Arbutus, Empetrum, Erica), Sapotaceae (Pouteria, Sideroxylon), Styracaceae (Rehderodendron) and Symplocaceae (Symplocos). Köppen signatures of potential modern analogues of the additional fossil woody elements confirm the hypothesis of a subtropical (Cfa, Cwa) climate at lower elevations and subsequent transition into a temperate climate with altitudinal succession (Cfa → Cfb/Dfa → Dfb; Cwa → Cwb → Dwb-climate). The fossil plants represent different vegetation units, from wetland lowlands to well-drained montane forests. Many of the fossil taxa have potential modern analogues that can be classified as nemoral and/or meridio-nemoral and/or semihumid-meridional vegetation elements. New is the recognition of oreotropical elements, which are direct indicators for a substantial altitudinal gradient.