Alternative splicing of flowering time gene FT is associated with halving of time to flowering in coconut.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Coconut palm has two distinct types-"tall" and "dwarf"-which differ morphologically. Tall coconut varieties need 8-10 years to start flowering, while dwarf coconut varieties only require 3-5 years. We compared seedling and reproductive stage transcriptomes for both coconut types to determine potential molecular mechanisms underlying control of flowering time in coconut. Several key genes in the photoperiod pathway were differentially expressed between seedling and reproductive leaf samples in both tall and dwarf coconut. These genes included suppressor of overexpression of constans (SOC1), flowering locus T (FT), and Apetala 1 (AP1). Alternative splicing analysis of genes in the photoperiod pathway further revealed that the FT gene produces different transcripts in tall compared to dwarf coconut. The shorter alternative splice variant of FT [which included a 6 bp deletion, alternative 3' splicing sites (A3SS)] was found to be exclusively present in dwarf coconut varieties but absent in most tall coconut varieties. Our results provide a valuable information resource as well as suggesting a probable mechanism for differentiation of flowering time onset in coconut, providing a target for future breeding work in accelerating time to flowering in this crop species.
PROVIDER: S-EPMC7363896 | biostudies-literature | 2020 Jul
REPOSITORIES: biostudies-literature