Electronic phase shift measurement for the determination of acoustic wave DOA using single MEMS biomimetic sensor.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: MEMS acoustic sensors have been developed to mimic the highly-accurate sound-locating system of the Ormia ochracea fly, which detects sound wavelengths much larger than its hearing organ. A typical ormia-based MEMS directional sound sensor possesses two coupled wings that vibrate in response to sound according to a superposition of its two main resonant modes, rocking and bending. Vibrations are transduced into electronic signals by interdigitated comb finger capacitors at each wing's end along with a capacitance measuring circuitry. A sensor designed to exhibit resonant modes closely placed in frequency, enhancing their coupling, was operated with a closed cavity behind the wings. Simultaneous and independent measurements of electronic signals generated at each of the single sensor wings were used to determine incident sound direction of arrival (DOA). DOA was found proportional to the phase shift between them and to the difference over the sum of their amplitudes as well. Single sensor phase shift DOA measurement presented a resolution better than 3° for sound pressure levels of 25 mPa or greater. These results indicate that a single sensor operating in closed-cavity configuration can provide hemispherical unambiguous direction of arrival of sound waves which wavelength is much larger than the sensor size.
PROVIDER: S-EPMC7391735 | biostudies-literature | 2020 Jul
REPOSITORIES: biostudies-literature