Project description:Hereditary angioedema is a rare disease that can often be disabling or even life threatening because of the unpredictable, self-limiting, and localized swelling episodes involving cutaneous, subcutaneous, and mucosal sites. The last decades revealed a spectrum of possibilities to control the disease through the development of effective therapies that changed the life of many patients and families worldwide. This review summarizes the current literature regarding the general management and therapeutic approach in patients with hereditary angioedema, both with and without C1 inhibitor deficiency. Medications already available in the market and new drugs in different research stages of development are addressed. Recent decades saw a huge leap in identifying mechanisms of angioedema and developing modern safe and effective medications to both treat acute angioedema manifestations and control disease activity via prophylactic therapy. Further improvement is still needed, together with improving global accessibility of diagnostic tools and effective medications. Whether novel drugs will demonstrate a sustained cost/effectiveness ratio will be answered in the years to come when we will witness whether a majority of the patients will benefit from these major advances.
Project description:Verapamil is a phenylalkylamine class calcium channel blocker that for half a century has been used for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Nowadays, verapamil is also considered as a drug option for the treatment of several neurological and psychiatric disorders, such as cluster headache, bipolar disorders, epilepsy, and neurodegenerative diseases. Here, we review insights into the potential preventive and therapeutic role of verapamil on Alzheimer's disease (AD) based on limited experimental and clinical data. Pharmacological studies have shown that verapamil has a wide therapeutic spectrum, including antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidative effects, regulation of the blood-brain barrier function, due to its effect on P-glycoprotein, as well as adjustment of cellular calcium homeostasis, which may result in the delay of AD onset or ameliorate the symptoms of patients. However, the majority of the AD individuals are on polypharmacotherapy, and the interactions between verapamil and other drugs need to be considered. Therefore, for an appropriate and successful AD treatment, a personalized approach is more than necessary. A well-known narrow pharmacological window of verapamil efficacy may hinder this approach. It is therefore important to note that the verapamil efficacy may be conditioned by different factors. The onset, grade, and brain distribution of AD pathological hallmarks, the time-sequential appearances of AD-related cognitive and behavioral dysfunction, the chronobiologic and gender impact on calcium homeostasis and AD pathogenesis may somehow be influencing that success. In the future, such insights will be crucial for testing the validity of verapamil treatment on animal models of AD and clinical approaches.
Project description:The epidemiology, genetics, and clinical manifestations of Crohn's disease (CD) vary considerably among geographic areas and ethnic groups. Thus, identifying the characteristics of Korean CD is important for establishing management strategies appropriate for Korean patients. Since the mid-2000s, many studies have investigated the characteristic features of Korean CD. The incidence and prevalence rates of CD have been increasing rapidly in Korea, especially among the younger population. Unlike Western data, Korean CD shows a male predominance and a lower proportion of isolated colonic disease. Perianal lesions are more prevalent than in Western countries. Genome-wide association studies have confirmed that genetic variants in TNFSF15, IL-23R, and IRGM, but not ATG16L1, are associated with CD susceptibility in the Korean population. Studies of the associations between genetic mutations and the clinical course of CD are underway. Although it has been generally accepted that the clinical course of Korean CD is milder than that in Western countries, recent studies have shown a comparable rate of intestinal resection in Korean and Western CD patients. An ongoing nationwide, hospital-based cohort study is anticipated to provide valuable information on the natural history and prognosis of Korean CD in the near future.
Project description:The advent of COVID-19 and the persistent threat of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria, influenza and HIV/AIDS remind us of the marked impact that infections continue to have on public health. Some of the most effective protective measures are vaccines but these have been difficult to develop for some of these infectious diseases even after decades of research. The development of drugs and immunotherapies acting directly against the pathogen can be equally challenging, and such pathogen-directed therapeutics have the potential disadvantage of selecting for resistance. An alternative approach is provided by host-directed therapies, which interfere with host cellular processes required for pathogen survival or replication, or target the host immune response to infection (immunotherapies) to either augment immunity or ameliorate immunopathology. Here, we provide a historical perspective of host-directed immunotherapeutic interventions for viral and bacterial infections and then focus on SARS-CoV-2 and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, two major human pathogens of the current era, to indicate the key lessons learned and discuss candidate immunotherapeutic approaches, with a focus on drugs currently in clinical trials.
Project description:Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an incurable, progressive, neurodegenerative disorder affecting over 5 million people in the US alone. This neurological disorder is characterized by widespread neurodegeneration throughout the association cortex and limbic system caused by deposition of A? resulting in the formation of plaques and tau resulting in the formation of neurofibrillary tangles. Active immunization for A? showed promise in animal models of AD; however, the models were unable to predict the off-target immune effects in human patients. A few patients in the initial trial suffered cerebral meningoencephalitis. Recently, passive immunization has shown promise in the lab with less chance of off-target immune effects. Several trials have attempted using passive immunization for A?, but again, positive end points have been elusive. The next generation of immunotherapy for AD may involve the marriage of anti-A? antibodies with technology aimed at improving transport across the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Receptor mediated transport of antibodies may increase CNS exposure and improve the therapeutic index in the clinic.
Project description:Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is an important treatment option for fit patients with poor-risk hematological malignancies; nevertheless, the lack of available fully matched donors limits the extent of its use. Umbilical cord blood has emerged as an effective alternate source of hematopoietic stem cell support. Transplantation with cord blood allows for faster availability of frozen sample and avoids invasive procedures for donors. In addition, this procedure has demonstrated reduced relapse rates and similar overall survival when compared with unrelated allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The limited dose of CD34-positive stem cells available with single-unit cord transplantation has been addressed by the development of double-unit cord transplantation. In combination with improved conditioning regimens, double-unit cord transplantation has allowed for the treatment of larger children, as well as adult patients with hematological malignancies. Current excitement in the field revolves around the development of safer techniques to improve homing, engraftment, and immune reconstitution after cord blood transplantation. Here the authors review the past, present, and future of cord transplantation.
Project description:The evolution of biocrystallography from the pioneers' time to the present era of global biology is presented in relation to the development of methodological and instrumental advances for molecular sample preparation and structure elucidation over the last 6 decades. The interdisciplinarity of the field that generated cross-fertilization between physics- and biology-focused themes is emphasized. In particular, strategies to circumvent the main bottlenecks of biocrystallography are discussed. They concern (i) the way macromolecular targets are selected, designed, and characterized, (ii) crystallogenesis and how to deal with physical and biological parameters that impact crystallization for growing and optimizing crystals, and (iii) the methods for crystal analysis and 3D structure determination. Milestones that have marked the history of biocrystallography illustrate the discussion. Finally, the future of the field is envisaged. Wide gaps of the structural space need to be filed and membrane proteins as well as intrinsically unstructured proteins still constitute challenging targets. Solving supramolecular assemblies of increasing complexity, developing a "4D biology" for decrypting the kinematic changes in macromolecular structures in action, integrating these structural data in the whole cell organization, and deciphering biomedical implications will represent the new frontiers.
Project description:Cerebral edema is commonly associated with cerebral pathology, and the clinical manifestation is largely related to the underlying lesioned tissue. Brain edema usually amplifies the dysfunction of the lesioned tissue and the burden of cerebral edema correlates with increased morbidity and mortality across diseases. Our modern-day approach to the medical management of cerebral edema has largely revolved around, an increasingly artificial distinction between cytotoxic and vasogenic cerebral edema. These nontargeted interventions such as hyperosmolar agents and sedation have been the mainstay in clinical practice and offer noneloquent solutions to a dire problem. Our current understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms driving cerebral edema is becoming much more advanced, with differences being identified across diseases and populations. As our understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms in neuronal injury continues to expand, so too is the list of targeted therapies in the pipeline. Here we present a brief review of the molecular mechanisms driving cerebral edema and a current overview of our understanding of the molecular targets being investigated.
Project description:Celiac disease (CeD) is a complex immune-mediated disorder that is triggered by dietary gluten in genetically predisposed individuals. CeD is characterized by inflammation and villous atrophy of the small intestine, which can lead to gastrointestinal complaints, malnutrition, and malignancies. Currently, diagnosis of CeD relies on serology (antibodies against transglutaminase and endomysium) and small-intestinal biopsies. Since small-intestinal biopsies require invasive upper-endoscopy, and serology cannot predict CeD in an early stage or be used for monitoring disease after initiation of a gluten-free diet, the search for non-invasive biomarkers is ongoing. Here, we summarize current and up-and-coming non-invasive biomarkers that may be able to predict, diagnose, and monitor the progression of CeD. We further discuss how current and emerging techniques, such as (single-cell) transcriptomics and genomics, can be used to uncover the pathophysiology of CeD and identify non-invasive biomarkers.
Project description:The uses of antiviral agents are increasing in the new era along with the development of vaccines for the effective control of viral diseases. The main aims of antiviral agents are to minimize harm to the host system and eradicate deadly viral diseases. However, the replications of viruses in host system represent a massive therapeutic challenge than bacteria and fungi. Antiviral drugs not just penetrate to disrupt the virus’ cellular divisions but also have a negative impact on normal physiological pathways in the host. Due to these issues, antiviral agents have a narrow therapeutic index than antibacterial drugs. Nephrotoxicity is the main adverse reaction of antiviral drugs in human and animals. In this chapter, we summarize the antiviral agents’ past, present and future perspectives with the main focus on the brief history of antiviral in animals, miscellaneous drugs, natural products, herbal and repurposing drugs.