Changes in Cigarette, E-Cigarette, and Cannabis Use among U.S. College Students Studying Abroad.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Background: Study abroad experiences among U.S. college students are risky environments for alcohol use; however little work has examined how studying abroad may affect other substance use. Purpose: This study assesses changes in frequency of cigarette, e-cigarette, and cannabis use among students studying abroad. Methods: We recruited study abroad students from 63 institutions who studied in the 12 most popular destinations; 2,086 students completed surveys before leaving the U.S. and during their last month abroad. Descriptive and multivariate mixed-effects regression analysis compared substance use by location between students and country natives using publicly available data, identified behavioral and demographic predictors of frequency of substance use abroad, and estimated average adjusted prevalence of substance use by location. Results: Students' cigarette smoking increased three-fold while abroad; patterns of use varied significantly by location and mirrored smoking behaviors of native young adults. Rates of e-cigarette use declined while abroad and rates of cannabis use were similar abroad to pre-departure rates. However, cannabis use varied substantially by location and were higher than native peer rates. For all substances, most frequent substance use abroad was reported among males and those with prior histories of single drug and polydrug use. Conclusion: Findings highlight the importance of continued research on drug use abroad among U.S. college students and pave the way for initial prevention and intervention efforts to target drug use abroad, particularly for cigarettes due to the negative health consequences of use and for cannabis given the potential legal ramification of use in non-legalized countries.
Project description:Recent studies show that during study abroad experiences, college students greatly increase their drinking behavior, experience multiple alcohol-related consequences, engage in sexual risk behaviors, and are at-risk for sexual violence victimization. These studies, however, have been limited by small sample sizes of students from single institutions who are often studying in a particular country or region. To better understand the extent of the risks experienced by college students studying abroad, we conducted a longitudinal survey study of 2630 students from 65 different US colleges and universities studying in 12 diverse locations abroad. Total drinks per week and heavy drinking days more than doubled while students were abroad, with heavier predeparture drinkers, men, and students under age 21 experiencing the greatest increases. There were few observed overall changes in alcohol-related consequences and risky sexual behaviors; however, specific groups, such as those with heavier predeparture consequences and sexual risk behaviors, men, and those on longer abroad programs reported greater consequences and risky sex abroad. One in five students (21%) experienced sexual violence abroad, with non-consensual physical contact the most prevalent form. Women, those under age 21, and those with a history of sexual violence were most likely to experience sexual violence abroad. Findings indicate that study abroad students may warrant targeted predeparture programming to help prevent heavy drinking and sexual violence experiences abroad.
Project description:INTRODUCTION:Electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use prevalence is increasing among U.S. adolescents and adults but recent longitudinal data for college/university students are scarce. Furthermore, the extent that e-cigarette use is associated with the onset of cigarette smoking and the factors that lead to the uptake of e-cigarettes in college students has not been explored. METHODS:3757 participants from a Mid-Atlantic university (women: 66%; White: 45%; Black: 21%; Asian: 19%; Hispanic/Latino: 6%) were surveyed in 2014 and again in 2015. RESULTS:Among participants reporting never smoking at time 1, those who had ever tried e-cigarettes or were currently using e-cigarettes (at least one use in past 30days) were more likely to have ever tried cigarettes by time 2 relative to individuals who had not used e-cigarettes. Ever use of e-cigarettes (but not current use) also increased participants' likelihood of being current cigarette smokers at time 2. Among initial never users of e-cigarettes or cigarettes, males and ever marijuana users had an increased probability of trying e-cigarettes by time 2. Furthermore, less perseverance (an index of impulsivity) and ever use of other tobacco products increased initial never users' chances of trying both cigarettes and e-cigarettes by time 2. CONCLUSIONS:Given that never-smoking participants who had tried e-cigarettes were more likely to initiate cigarette use later, limiting young adults' access to these products may be beneficial. As the long-term health implications of e-cigarette use become clearer, predictors of e-cigarette use could help identify future populations likely to use and abuse these products.
Project description:IntroductionAmerican college students who study abroad experience increases in their drinking behavior, concerning risky sexual behaviors, and high rates of sexual violence while abroad. Despite these concerns, institutions offer limited programming to students prior to departure to address these risks and no empirically supported interventions currently exist that are targeted toward preventing increased drinking, risky sexual behavior, and sexual violence abroad. To help address alcohol and sexual risk abroad, we designed a brief, single-session online predeparture intervention focused on risk and protective factors known to associate with alcohol and sexual risk abroad.MethodsUsing a sample of 650 college students from 40 home institutions, we conducted a randomized controlled trial of the intervention and tested its effects on drinking (drinks per week, binge drinking frequency, alcohol related-consequences), risky sexual behaviors, and sexual violence victimization during the trip abroad (first month, last month abroad) and one-month and three-months after return home.ResultsWe observed small, but nonsignificant, intervention effects on drinks per week and binge drinking days during the first month abroad and three months after they had returned home to the United States, and small, significant effects on risky sexual behaviors during the first month abroad. The study found no observable effects at any time point for alcohol-related consequences or for sexual violence victimization abroad.ConclusionsThough mostly nonsignificant, small initial intervention effects were promising in this first empirical test of an alcohol and sexual risk prevention program for study abroad students. However, students may need more intensive programming with booster sessions to experience lasting intervention effects during this particularly high-risk period.ClinicaltrialsGov identifierNCT03928067.
Project description:BackgroundThis study examined the role of depressive symptoms on trajectories of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), cigarette, and cannabis use across 4.5 years in a sample of college students aged 18-19 at the initial study wave.MethodsParticipants were 2,264 students enrolled in one of 24 Texas colleges that participated in a multi-wave study between 2014 and 2019. Latent growth mixture models were fit to identify longitudinal trajectories for past 30-day ENDS, cigarette, and cannabis use over a 4.5-year period. Class membership was regressed on baseline depressive symptoms in multinomial regression models.ResultsFour trajectory classes were identified for each product: abstainer/minimal, decreasing, increasing, and high. Depressive symptoms were associated with a greater likelihood of belonging to the decreasing, increasing, and high trajectory classes relative to the abstainer/minimal class for all products, with the exception of the increasing ENDS class and the decreasing cannabis class.DiscussionThe findings demonstrate that there is considerable similarity across trajectories of ENDS, cigarette, and cannabis use during traditional collegiate years. Furthermore, depressive symptoms increased the likelihood of belonging to substance using trajectory classes for all products.
Project description:Economists debate whether changes in availability of alcohol or cannabis are positively or negatively related to changes in use of the other substance. Implicit in these arguments are two competing, individual-level hypotheses-that people use alcohol and cannabis either as complements or substitutes for one another. This is the first study to test these hypotheses using micro-longitudinal data on individuals' alcohol and cannabis use on a given evening.United States college students who use alcohol and cannabis (n=876) were selected from a larger sample who participated in a 30-day online daily diary study. At baseline, students reported their proclivity to use alcohol/drugs to cope with stress. Each day students reported their level of alcohol use from the prior evening as well as whether they had used cannabis.Evening levels of alcohol use and mean levels of alcohol use positively predicted the likelihood of evening cannabis use, results indicative of complementary use. This relation, however, was moderated by coping style, such that students who were more likely to use alcohol/drugs to cope were less likely to use cannabis as their evening or mean alcohol use levels increased, results indicative of substitution.Substance-using college students showed evidence for complementary alcohol and cannabis use at both the within- and between-person levels. Students with a proclivity toward using alcohol/drugs to cope, however, showed evidence of substitution. These findings suggest that studies based on economic theories of substance use should take into account individual differences in substance use motives.
Project description:Cannabis exerts an indirect effect on dopamine (DA) output in the mesolimbic projection, a circuit implicated in reward processing and effort expenditure, and thus may be associated with aberrant effort-based decision making. The "amotivation syndrome" hypothesis suggests that regular cannabis use results in impaired capacity for goal-directed behavior. However, investigations of this hypothesis have used divergent methodology and have not controlled for key confounding variables. The present study extends these findings by examining the relation between cannabis use and effort-related decision making in a sample of college students. Cannabis using (n = 25; 68% meeting criteria for Cannabis Use Disorder) and noncannabis using (n = 22) students completed the Effort Expenditure for Rewards Task (EEfRT). In generalized estimating equation models, reward magnitude, reward probability, and expected value predicted greater likelihood of selecting a high-effort trial. Furthermore, past-month cannabis days and cannabis use disorder symptoms predicted the likelihood of selecting a high-effort trial, such that greater levels of both cannabis use days and symptoms were associated with an increased likelihood after controlling for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms, distress tolerance, income, and delay discounting. The results provide preliminary evidence suggesting that college students who use cannabis are more likely to expend effort to obtain reward, even after controlling for the magnitude of the reward and the probability of reward receipt. Thus, these results do not support the amotivational syndrome hypothesis. Future research with a larger sample is required to evaluate possible associations between cannabis use and patterns of real-world effortful behavior over time. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).
Project description:BackgroundThis study protocol describes a proposed randomized controlled trial that builds upon a successful pilot intervention study to address problematic and dangerous drinking among young adult college students studying abroad in foreign environments. Despite universities and colleges citing alcohol misuse as the most concerning issue for their students abroad, most institutions offer no empirically-based prevention efforts tailored to this at-risk population. The proposed intervention attempts to fill a major gap for the nearly 333,000 students completing study abroad programs each year by using empirically-based and theoretically-informed risk and protective factors to correct misperceived peer drinking norms and promote cultural engagement abroad. In addition to preventing heavy and problematic drinking, the intervention seeks to prevent risky sexual behaviors (e.g., sex without a condom) and experience of sexual violence victimization, which are strikingly common among study abroad students and have the potential for lasting physical and psychological effects upon return home.Methods/designWe will conduct a randomized controlled trial of an intervention with a sample of 1200 college students studying abroad from approximately 50 US universities and colleges. The brief, online intervention is text and video based and contains evidence-based components of personalized normative feedback to correct students' misperceived drinking norms, content to promote engagement with the cultural experience abroad and address difficulties adjusting to life in the foreign environment, and tips and strategies to prevent risky sexual behaviors and sexual violence victimization abroad. Participants will complete online surveys at five time points (predeparture, first month abroad, last month abroad, 1-month post-return, and 3-months post-return) to assess for intervention effects on drinking behavior, drinking consequences, risky sex, and sexual violence outcomes. We will examine whether the mechanisms targeted by the intervention (changes in perceived norms, engagement in the cultural experience abroad) serve as mediators of intervention efficacy.DiscussionThe proposed study has the potential to fill an important gap in the research literature and provide empirical support for an online accessible, brief, and targeted approach that can easily be distributed to study abroad students to help prevent heavy alcohol use and sexual risk abroad. Trial registration Identifier NCT03928067.
Project description:This study (a) examined changes in marijuana and cigarette initiation sequencing and (b) considered implications of such changes for prevention efforts by examining associations between initiation sequencing and current adolescent substance use. Analyses used 2000-2019 cross-sectional data from the national Monitoring the Future (MTF) study (78,252 U.S. 12th grade students). Models examined trends in six distinct patterns of initiation order, and multivariable associations between order of initiation and 30-day cigarette and marijuana use prevalence, cigarette and marijuana use frequency among users, and nicotine and marijuana vaping prevalence. While the percentage of students initiating neither cigarettes nor marijuana increased, increases also were observed in marijuana-only initiation (the fastest-growing pattern) and initiation of marijuana before cigarettes; these increases were accompanied by a significant decrease in cigarette-only initiation. Cigarette use prevalence and frequency were highest among students initiating cigarettes before marijuana; marijuana use prevalence and frequency were highest among students initiating marijuana before cigarettes. Cigarette and marijuana prevalence, as well as marijuana frequency, were lowest among students initiating only a single substance. Nicotine vaping was less prevalent among students initiating a single substance versus both substances, but no significant differences were observed in nicotine vaping prevalence between those initiating only cigarettes versus only marijuana. Implications of these findings for prevention efforts are discussed in the frameworks of both the common liability model and route of administration model.
Project description:College students have experienced significant disruptions related to COVID-19, and limited international data suggest they may be at elevated risk for mental health symptom increases related to COVID. Given their potentially elevated risk, our aim was to evaluate differences from pre-college closures to post-closure in mental health symptoms, alcohol, and cannabis use. Participants (N = 4749) were from seven U.S. public universities/colleges. They were 70.1 % female and 48.5 % white, non-Hispanic/Latino, with 48.1 % in their first college/university year. 30-day retrospective assessments of alcohol and cannabis use, and past 2-week retrospective assessments of anxiety, depression, anger, and insomnia were captured at the time of the survey. We examined differences between those providing data pre- and post-university closure via linear and negative binomial regressions. Alcohol and cannabis use days were 13 % and 24 % higher, respectively, from pre-to post-university closure; also, prevalence of any 30-day alcohol use and alcohol use consequences were both higher in the post-closure sample (odds ratios = 1.34 and 1.31, respectively). In contrast, days of binge alcohol use were 4 % lower in the post-closing sample. Depressive symptoms and anger were both modestly higher in post-closing participants (d < 0.1), with no differences in anxiety symptoms or insomnia. The modest differences in substance use and mental health from pre-closure through two months post-college closure suggest unexpected resilience in a large and diverse sample of students. College health providers will need to identify those students experiencing the greatest increases in mental health symptoms and substance use, using innovative outreach and treatment.
Project description:Our current work seeks to provide direct empirical evidence on whether Chinese international students' experiences studying abroad promote dialectical thinking. We collected behavioral data from 258 Chinese international students studying in multiple regions. We found that there was a main effect among the four conditions (i.e., studying abroad, exposure to foreign culture, hometown, and typical day). More specifically, when primed with studying abroad or typical day (relative to hometown culture), participants were more likely to show tolerance for contradiction by deeming both sides of contradictory scientific statements as convincing and rating them more favorably. Therefore, it is plausible that Chinese international students' experiences studying abroad promote their dialectical thinking. More work is needed to further this line of research by (1) extending these effects with other measures of dialectical thinking such as perception of interconnectedness and prediction of change, (2) adopting differing paradigms to provide more robust findings, and (3) probing the underlying processes as to why experiences studying abroad promote dialectical thinking.